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    WE 416 GBB
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    TM 1911 Government
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  1. Where's a better place for a safariland drop leg or across the chest piece of my rig and also what's a good price for a genuine safariland and waepon light ( can remember the name of it)

    1. Lozart


      Do you mean a light bearing holster or are you thinking of a particular light?


    2. jcheeseright


      second hand I wouldn't pay more than £50 for a standard safariland light bearing holster (6004), but there's lots of different models which are differently priced.


      As for where to put it, that's entirely personal preference. I wear mine on my hip because it's a natural draw for me. Normally when you see guys with pistols on their chests (real world) it's because they're working from vehicles a lot and so can't easily draw from a hip or leg holster.

    3. Lozart


      The Safariland 6004's are quite big beasts too. Not sure that one on the chest wouldn't be a bit unwieldy. What gun is it for?

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