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  1. Anyone else’s tri lug adapter a wobbly mess? Tracer shooting all over the place. Shimming the end of the barrel with a bit of tape works as temp fix. Anyone done anything more aesthetically pleasing to fix this?
  2. Exact one I tried, will try again with less hangover this weekend. Cheers
  3. Was that the 1300mah? I was close to fitting it fully but was a right pain. I do like the Magpul more than I thought and I love the NGRS Mp5 so much I might just get the A4 as well anyways.
  4. Back after 11 years off airsoft so I’m making some mistakes haha! I went for the Magpul. Cheers
  5. Came back to Airsoft after 10 years and my ESS turbofans have died and it seems they don't make them anymore. I fog terribly and it ruins the game for me so willing to pay whatever. First I picked up the masked solutions googles with the fan, bit pricey and thought the cable would annoy me. Worked perfectly, absolutely zero fogging running around in CQB all day. My son now uses these when we play together and no complaints from him. I also picked up a helmet and have the Ex fog running through into some Wiley X spears. Fogged straight away after 30mins of running around but as with my Turbofans removing the foam from the top of the goggles solved this. I also made sure the tubes were pointing correctly. Rest of the day zero fogging. I've always avoided helmets but enjoyed this setup.
  6. Picked up the Midwest industries handguard and it looks awesome on the mp5A5 version. But won't fit 1300 nunchuck battery I'm on deans as well. So have I just bought an expensive show piece or is there any battery that fits with conversion to deans? I can't find an answer to that.
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