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  • Guns
    G17 GEN 5
  • Loadouts
    Agilite K19
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  1. Yeah, I think so too. wow, even for only belt & mag pouches? Thank you for the detailed respond, I hope i dont have to do the RIF declaration, this will makes things easier. and I think I will just drive to the depot to pay and collect the parcel there, its will be way faster to wait. But do I go to the depot when the update shows that the parcel has been arrived to the national depot?
  2. This post make me so nervous, I had my G17 Rif just arrive at the UK customs from Tai Wan yesterday...I did provided my UKARA to the shop when I order and they did put my UKARA number on the lable, hope everything go smooth. Wish me luck. Does anyone know normally how long it take for the customs clearance? (I know there will have some delay, as its Christmas and new year holiday coming up), Thanks
  3. I had been there on the 30th of November, the staff didnt mentioned anything, so I did booked online for 4 people on the 5th of December after I backed home on that night........ And they closed on the 1st... but I paid £160.... Has rise a dispute with Monzo, but I doubt that I will get my money back....
  4. Just order G17 and magazine from them, process are alright, only thing is there are time difference between the uk and TaiWan , so the process of comfirmation and payment need a bit of time. Paid on the 10th of december, and the parcel arrived to the customs yesterday and awaiting for customs clearance. I know its holiday time, but does anyone have experience how long its normally take? it costed me £45, For a Glock 17, 5 magazine and a BBs loader + paypal handling fee pretty reasonable.
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