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Everything posted by Gaspod4933

  1. I'm just up the A1 from you, slightly south of Darlington.
  2. Its going to be a sequel to aliens and ignoring aliens 3 and 4. Its being directed by the same director as Discrict 9.
  3. A modded version of arma 2 is currently being used by the british army as a simulator for armoured vehicle crews.
  4. Best job I ever had

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Gaspod4933


      Fury- most accurate portrayal of a tank crew relationship inside the turret I've seen in a film. And the action is pretty good to.

    3. cavninja


      hmmmmm... People's Cav? Jealous? :-P

    4. Gaspod4933


      Lol I'm just a Really Dangerous Guy

  5. Happens all the time on tour mate and as long as no one to far up the chain of command fines out more often than not gets swept under the carpet when the tour ends.
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