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Posts posted by Callsign.Zero.Phoenix

  1. 18 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    Not that i'm taking his side, but one wonders if calling out his real name (assuming this to be information he hasn't willingly put out himself) isn't doxxing, or at least doxxing adjacent?


    It's adjacent at worst, think how many film and music personalities have different names than what's on their birth certificates. If I had access to his phone number or address and released that information, that would be doxxing.


    I've said for a while of him that there's two possibilities:

    The Kicking Mustang persona is a character that he uses to drive engagement, sort of like Borat or Keith Lemon. The truth being that he knows exactly how controversial he is being and its all done for a bit, for the sake of content, however his behaviour off field and online would indicate that's not the case.




    He genuinely is that guy, the few times when he's friendly to people is the mask (almost exclusively reserved for younger airsofters encountered in person) and that he truly believes every ridiculous thing he's ever said, including all the racist/homophobic codswallop he spat as his "Jedi Economist" twitter account.


    Honestly, he's so close to being the 'Airsoft Alex Jones', I feel like he's one strong cup of coffee away from claiming they're "Puttin' chemicals in the black gas to turn our mk23s gay!"

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