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gunbod007 last won the day on February 3 2021

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  • Guns
    TM G17 Gen 4, TM MWS L119A2, TM M870, WE MP5A3 GBB
  • Sites
    Ambush airsoft, Zed adventures
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  1. I have regrettably sold mine. Just won't get used as often as the MWS but it was very satisfying to shoot.
  2. Hi all. For some reason lost to me, I am acquiring a second MWS. This time the Block 1 CQBR which will be used as a base for a project I have. Is the sling plate that holds the buffer tube in, Interchangeable between the block 1 and the standard M4A1 MWS? I ask because the block 1 comes with a rather nice ASAP style sling plate which I want to swap with the standard A2 on my M4A1 Thanks. The MK18 seems to have a really tricky to remove rail, however some people have found a useful tool to get it off. The standard M4A1 Rail is easier to remove and you can always add an aftermarket one with the correct adapter. Internally they should be the same.
  3. Yeah so that stock range is pretty awful huh
  4. Mine has arrived!!!! The recoil is much more than the MWS and it is very satisfying on full auto.
  5. Now that we have split into two threads, I very much feel like this. (Just for lolz)
  6. Ahh Cyma AKs, now there's an airsoft gun. My first ever AEG. I think there is no denying that this will lose to the GHK on externals any day of the week. But even so I reckon TM have done a good job with the materials used. Will report back when mine arrives. Of course wood kits will eventually come too.
  7. Nice upload. Do you mean the hop arm is loose for your liking?
  8. I am so on the fence between either getting an AKM next week or getting just a second MWS/M4 If I get another MWS I will be spending a lot of time and money to turn it into a blond diamond CAR-15. But at the end of the day it will still just be another M4 And yes agreed @AlphaBear TM need to get a GBB MP5 out ASAP! I love my WE but I would love a TM too.
  9. Ah cool. Could this be a flaw of the Japanese using the weaker 134 gas? Would Green Gas require more volume inside the magazine?
  10. Off don't like the idea of that. What is the downside of leaving it standard?
  11. Anyone know a CAR-15 hand guard that will fit an MWS CQB?
  12. Anyone preordering the AKM?
  13. I mean it's basically all technically "Green Gas" but yeah Abbey has the red and other colour bottles. Still green gas though. I was so shocked that with all stock parts, besides nub, it was over the limit but I guess an indoor site at about 20+ degrees will do that Depends what temp you were in. If this was a one off on a hot day. Try using Abbey 144a summer gas. If that is all standard parts you shouldn't be getting that high FPS unless weather is quite warm.
  14. Got 1.3J at Zmart CQB with my MWS the other day. was a warm evening game and the mags had been warming up. Used .28 tracers on abbey ultra, Was sad and had to downgrade to 144a. but is still good tbh
  15. So as a follow up. I have a TM MWS as my main gun, is easier to use as standard without being too powerful in warm weather, also has better range and accuracy and all round performance. The TM is also quieter. The WE MP5 bolt is loud as fuck to be honest with you. I agree with the sentiment that it is a fun gun to run now and then. I personally use my MWS as my main gun and the MP5 is for short games. I got a brand new one from KY Airsoft recently, it cam with the open front magazine
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