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Everything posted by Muzzer

  1. Does it come with red dot sight and black case?
  2. How far are you likely to travel cos you’re in a good position to some good venues the two I would visit (out side of Bristol) when I worked in Bristol. Spartan Airsoft’s “ the college” in Chippenham. Not sure if it’s immediately open as they were repairing the roof . The other site is Gloucester Prison “ vendetta“ both excellent CQB. I haven’t done Spartans woodland site yet as there’s two other sites I go to further east along the m4
  3. Oh thank god, I’m not the only one, if she ever found out how much I’ve spent over the last few years, I may never have sex again.😬
  4. Let me start by saying that’s sexy but it is what I would call a SMG…. Just. If I go down this route I may do something very similar. But I’m still trying for the pistol. So what would that look like I hear you say? No silencer or for grip.
  5. I put them in what’s left of the hand guard. I have 2 RC plane batteries which do over 350 rounds each with juice to spare so basically a hicap mag each. im working off only having one battery in there at a time but I think there is room for two…. Maybe. I also have to find a way to cover up the holes… I’m thinking either 3d printing or rubber bungs/grommets I put the nuprol 3000 in for comparison.
  6. Mine was the same, double bell all polymers and only 1 out of 12 mags fitted and even then I had rough hand it on. So I took a chisel to it to shave some material off and all 12 fit and with the ones I tested feed well. My PDW is going through an identity crisis. I’m either turning it in to a large pistol or a subby Just need to sort the outer barrel
  7. Hi all, well I’ll give you all possibly my closing results lol. It’s been a while but there was school holidays and I still needed to get the kit back from calibration. The end result was all 30 balls sampled were the right weight, they were the right size with a finish nearly the same as the standard variant. The rest of the bottle was fired off, again chronoing near 1.13j but I noticed a diminished changed half a mag in so Chronod gun again with the same site chrono and the gun dropped to 0.97j. Completely puzzled I stripped the gun to find that I have a split gearbox, not the good kind, the catastrophic kind. So this ends my investigation 😂. If it wasn’t for the fact my daughters gun over performed on the magic bbs I would wonder if the split gear box played a part. Im exhausted.
  8. Yer I wanted to use lab scales (analytical balance) but they weren’t where they were supposed to be. I have a feeling both sets are in quarantine awaiting calibration. However im persistent.
  9. I bought some digital callipers but while I was showing them off at work one of the lab techs pulled out a nice old set of metric micrometers without gauge blocks but where known to be spot on. The size is definitely not the problem. I’m going to test this weekend the weight but accuracy of scales is an issue but could be indicative of a problem
  10. Update - micrometer arrived and tested 10 bbs and all were 5.95…. No doubt. So it’s either weight or finish. Im hoping to get access to some analytical balance scales from my local engineering college and they have a microscope. The mystery continues…
  11. Anyone know any brand/model of BBs 5.96 or larger, apparently they do exist.
  12. I hadn’t thought about surface finish but these are vorsk, usually they’re triple polished.
  13. Well I did add a new hop and nub but I chrono my own gun at home before any site visit. Also the 2 other guns I shared with, all chrono hire fps as well.
  14. The other day I used some bio bbs for the first time and they almost made my AEG too hot for the site; chrono was 348 on Vorsk 0.2 bio new and sealed in bottle. I was gob smacked as my M4 junker has never been hirer than 305, so with a jump in fps over 40 and easily another 15ft added in range I am very curious why? I should add that I shared the ammo and their guns fps shot up to. Even though it says 5.95 on the bag, I have a feeling they’re bigger maybe 5.97 or even 5.98. Vernier callipers are on route to me to check what’s left of the bottle but until then, does anyone have any other ideas why the massive increase in performance and does anyone know a brand that sells bbs bigger than 5.96 on purpose ?
  15. Hi bud if you state the condition in your description it might help the sale.
  16. 2hours15 from me but the one near Newbury is already up and running and less than an hours drive. I wouldn’t mind giving that a go. You could call it shop and shoot.
  17. I see now. For the sake of a lower spring he’s being a silly lad.
  18. Am I being blind but I can’t see where he mentions the bb weight. At 0.2 it’s fine of course.
  19. I don’t know why NAF don’t do one.
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