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  • Guns
    Built JG G36, SLR Rifleworks AK, CYMA Platinum SR-25, DE UTR-45, CYMA MP5-N, VFC USP Full Size
  • Loadouts
    Flecktarn, MTP, DPM. Gorka soon...
  • Sites
    Delta Team 3
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  • Interests
    Launching 0.28s, fogging and being absolutely terrible at the sport alongside all my pews breaking.

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  1. Fresh CYMA 'ZEUS' v2 mosfet to fix up a friend's CM.009 M733, had it apart and had a nightmare shimming it, ten hours later and it's working - only for the solder on the positive wire to detach the moment I disconnected the battery 😅, can't beat it.

    1. pyromancer6



      Not the worst but considering it was DOA when he orginally got it I'm happy with it. Ignore the laboured breathing - I had the phone tucked into my throat to get the POV lol

    2. pyromancer6


      Another one for you - decided to try a different motor I had laying around that had a bit more to it, and well..



      Should've just paid the pennies and learnt how to put a perun in, honestly. Pisstake 😂 - Guess a recrimp is next on the roadmap...

    3. ak2m4


      Sounds pretty respectable, we've all been there with the motor tabs.  Industry could definitely use some innovation in that area.

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