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Wegalaxy last won the day on July 31 2024

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  1. @The_Lord_Poncho thanks i appreciate this. Tbh I don't really want to extend the barrel. But tbh I think with a 5 inch barrel I'm kinda stuck for options 😅
  2. Hello, I own a ARP 9. I use 11.1 lipos with. 25 bbs. Its shooting 300 FPS. It has stock barrel and hop rubber and unit. When I adjust the hop I cannot find the sweet spot. It's always too much or too little. Would anyone recommend a drop in hop rubber that would improve this? Thanks
  3. Hello, Would anyone have a link to a lens protector or kill flash that fits the sig romeo 5? Thanks
  4. Hello, After hours and hours of suffering fitting a new hammer to my vorsk eu18 after the original one snapped I have now come to the last hurdle. When everything is installed the trigger does not engage with the hammer meaning the hammer is not falling and just stays sprung back. I believe the problem is that I am not installing the trigger bar into the hammer correctly. Is there a specific technique? As the videos online just say "hook it in". But its not working Any advice would be very welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2063&v=WlRYq2tD7aQ&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Daap%2B01%2Bdisassembly%26rlz%3D1CAPKUQ_enGB877GB877%26oq%3Daap%2B01%2Breassemb%26gs_lcrp%3DEgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBEAAYDRiAB&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE Time stamp. 34:23 Thanks
  5. Thanks @BigStewI appreciate this
  6. Hello, Here is my we CT-25 and I would like it appraised to see if it is worth selling it or paying someone to fix it. Problem 1: It fires burst on semi (main problem) Problem 2: When racking the slide sometimes the hammer dosent stay back. It will come with the original box and dry fire enabling nub along with multiple O rings for the magazine base plate. How much roughly would this be worth? Thanks
  7. Hello, I have recently had a gate aster put into my ARP 9. I use 1,100 11.1 batteries. All my batteries were converted from tamiya to deans to accommodate the gate asters dean power connector. Before the aster would get half way through a day with 1 of the batteries. Now I can only get through 1 fourth of a day with one of these batteries. Is this down to the gate aster system with its optical trigger using more power con paired to the stock g&g button trigger unit??? Thanks
  8. @Anonymoose Apparently the laylax gas router concentrates the flow of gas more increasing fps. Thats all I know really.
  9. @heroshark @Diablo675! Hello, Thanks for the info. Regarding it only adding 10 FPS it sounds like it's not worth the trouble. I'll leave it as is. Thanks
  10. @ButcherBill I understand that vorsk isn't a great brand. But regarding my original question. Would the upgrade and additional stress? Thanks
  11. Hello, I use a vorsk eu18. I was thinking about getting a upgrade for it by installing these. https://www.firesupport.uk/laylaxnineball-gas-router-for-tokyo-marui-glk-g17g18c-magazine-2pcs.html I have heard they can add up to 50 fps onto your velocity. My only worry is. With the added pressure and how powerful the gas routers will make the green gasses journey, will this add more strain onto my pistol and risk breaking it ? As it is only stock and I have already been through 1 hammer shearing off from normal use. Thanks
  12. @ruskitseller With the double eagle spring one I linked using .25s and no hop I am able to hit people 60-70 meters away. Once 80 but that was I believe by chance.
  13. @RostokMcSpoons. The tri shot ones are alot harder to pull back and not as impressive performance. But if you pump the double eagle single shot 3 times and keep the barrel teetering upwards so the bbs dont fall out you can use it as a multi shot gun. Thanks
  14. Hello, So I bought a double eagle single shot spring shotgun with 2 extra mags just in case my AEG fails on a game day This specific one. https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/double-eagle-m58a-tactical-bb-shotgun-m500-in-blue.html And it is amazing!!! On .25s it shoots 300-305 fps and its accuracy and range is crazy. It only holds 14 bbs in the mag and I only shoot it when I know I am going to hit someone. I get more people out with it than I do with my £400 custom ARP 9. Even seasoned players are amazed with its performance and I have played with it for a full day on multiple times. So here is my question. Why is it so good??? Is it something about springers that are so reliable and accurate? Food for thought happy new year. Thanks
  15. thanks guys I just wanted a quick opinion on that one. i will go with what i found by doing it my way. This concludes this topic. Thanks
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