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Everything posted by DJsnipe

  1. I have a KWA M226 LE, metal, good weight. So far I am very fond of it.
  2. Nice looking case, very similar to a large Plano case I use (and love). It looks like the latches may be better on the Nuprol. Good luck.
  3. I ordered stock panels from them. I eventually had to get PayPal involved to look into the matter since the parts had not shown up. Not recommended.
  4. All my guns are in Plano hard cases. I like them a lot, they are a step below Pelican, and probably comparable to Nuprol. You can get them from Amazon or direct from Plano Molding. Good luck 👍
  5. Necro post I know. I ordered from Sixmm in May. After an adequate period with no item, I escalated to a dispute with PayPal and eventually they found in my favor. I will not deal with Simm airsoft (or off shoots) again, and I would say order from them at your own risk.
  6. Love my AW338 (but I am a "chairsofter" currently😉). Ares themselves claim to have gas magazines for the AW338 for sale. Here is a link: https://www.eshop-aresairsoft.com/aw-338-23rds-magazine-for-gas-power?search=aw338 magazine This place also "claims" to have them: https://www.airsoftextreme.com/ares-aw338-23-rnd-magazine.html Have not looked at UK dealers yet Good luck.
  7. Since I can't find the gas version of either the Ares or ASG AW338 at a US dealer, I am looking at the spring versions of both the Ares AW338, ASG Proline AW.338 . As a far as I can tell the ASG IS the Ares with "trades" and cheaper. Is there any advantage to paying a bit more and getting the Ares over the ASG. I know they are both "wall hangers." and I plan on using it as a back yard plinker. Thanks for any input. (Hopefully this is the right forum, if not, mods please move.)
  8. Ed; Well, that is disappointing. 'Sorry to hear you had to give up on the rifle, but thanks for your response. Cheers.
  9. Necro-post I know but, I was wondering if Airsoft-Ed (or anyone else) had any long term observations on this rifle. I am looking at the ASG version and I am trying to decide if it is worthwhile. Thanks for any assistance.
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