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  • Guns
    TM MWS M4, MK23, MP7, M1911, VSR-10
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  • Interests
    Anime, Games, Pizza

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    Who Uses This Still
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    210 IQ
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  1. What is this dude?

  2. You know, I've been wondering this for a long time since I travel between Japan and the UK quite often, and have lived in Japan before too. I was quite hesitant to buy any RIFs as I was too worried on how to bring it back, so this actually has been a useful post! Thanks for asking around, as now I am quite informed too! Can't wait! And enjoy Japan!
  3. Hello All! From Inner-London (Zone 1), have been collecting for a while due to a passion that stemmed from video games. But recently have decided to get a custom MWS GBB M4 that has so far cost me over £2500 (which is ridiculous for someone whose never gone airsofting- I am aware). That being said, what would be a great way to dive into it? Any specific locations fellow Londers go to for a good session, and any tips anyone can provide for a beginner? Thanks, Random Boring Guy
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