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    Lots but just modded a Nuprol defender with a Titan unit and a load of other stuff.
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    Battle Stations Activity Centre Snetterton
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  1. How would I check that? There is very very little play when they are in so it must be a design fault I’m guessing
  2. Afternoon, Ive been looking at my mates TM MP7 aeg. He brought a couple of new mags hi cap ones and they seem to reduce the performance of the gun to 100fps. The only modification he’s done to it is to adapt it from the odd tm battery adapter configuration which I think was a 7.2v battery over to a tamiya lipo 7.4v. if it’s the mags I’m not sure I can solve that one. anyone else had a similar issue?
  3. So tried changing bucking and it got worse, tried different barrel still bad. Checked compression on nozzle (should have done this before) and Maxx pro noz was leaking loads. Tried another max pro noz and same thing. Switched back to shs and hey presto it worked a treat. Now consistent fps at 270/280 and 0.9j-1j on 0.28g. Happy days and thanks for the help folks
  4. Yeah it’s paired up with a Maxx nozzle as I had also read this so was a bit miffed when I ended up With problems tbh
  5. Spring I think in m100. Cylinder I can’t remember the exact type but the port looks to be about two thirds down the cylinder Ok cool I have a couple of stock buckings I can try. Maple leaf have given me the occasional issue in the past however this one looked to be positioned correctly compared to those that have given me grief
  6. FYI was testing with 0.28g bbs. I grabbed a hi cap mag to test but normally I run mid cap pts epm1 mags so not sure if it’s a feed issue?
  7. Evening all, so I have put together a quick build with some bits I had in the garage. I brought a max pro hop as the spare I had was bust. It’s running a max 21.25mm nozzle, maple leaf bucking. Compression from cylinder was fantastic no leaks. Inside the gb is a 13:1 gear set with a ASG 18k motor. I had two inner barrels that I’ve tried a brass 280mm and a steel 240mm I think. I am getting on the brass a range between 160 -280 and on the steel it never got past 150. 🤦‍♂️ there is no delay chip on as there wasn’t in this gb before. any ideas ?
  8. That was before being cleaned and lubed up. Was wetter than Gemma Collins mouth in greggs What’s the correct O ring size for the piston and cylinder head ?
  9. It’s a weird one as I grabbed the old gear box that came out of it and serviced it fully. When I opened it up the tappet plate looked different. It has a moon shape on the tail end and there is a delay chip however the nozzle is shorter than what I had in the eon gb. When I fitted it all back together (with a clean inner barrel and bucking) I got 335 fps and 1.28j (no hop applied) 🤦‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess this is an easier problem to fix the the latter lol images are of the gb that came with the gun when I brought it 2nd hand
  10. So the paper moved a fair bit so I’m guessing air is escaping 🤦‍♂️ IMG_3676.mov
  11. Yeah fair point. Not done anything to it since I brought it off a seller. I think it was thrown together with bits from the Airsoft fair
  12. Awesome thanks I’ll try this. if there is a leak does that mean I should fit a delay chip or slightly longer nozzle?
  13. When you say timing do you mean when the nozzle moves forward and locates the bb into the feed lips before the piston sends the air down? Sorry if that’s a stupid question also where should the nozzle locate to when it enters the hop again? I am not getting any miss feeding when the gun fires bbs fly so I think the retraction etc is ok
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