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  1. I am wanting to invest in a flashlight and laser for CQB as my CQB site is dark in some areas, and the laser would be for pointing things out to teammates. I found this for sale: https://www.tactical-clothing.co.uk/lights-optics-c409/weapon-lights-c412/wadsn-tactical-augmented-dual-fnctn-switch-with-lock-for-surefire-2-5mm-black-p12612 I am just wondering if the switch for the flashlight works on any flashlight or if I need to buy a specific pressure switch flashlight. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hey, I am wondering if anyone has any experience with either of these guns. I know the post before me asked about another DE gun and a reply said all M900 series have the same internals and the guns are really good. But I also found this Specna Arms gun too at a similar price range and am wondering if this is also a respectable gun as I am pretty sure I read somewhere that Specna guns are good quality (correct me if i am wrong). I prefer the look of the Specna gun a little more, and it is in stock, but wondering if answers to either of my questions could help me choose. What is the difference between the 'FALCON Electric Fire Control System' and the 'GATE ASTER MOSFET V2'? Pros/cons to either? Can either of these guns run an 11.1v LiPo battery? SA-H22 https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-sa-h22-edge-2-0-tm-carbine-aeg?pv=17793 M908A https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/double-eagle-m908a-fire-control-system-edition
  3. Looking to spend around maybe £400-500 for everything Didn't massively make my post clear, which is my mistake. By good internals i meant nice easy to work with, and not have a stock part that i might not change that isn't very good; i.e. bad compression/bad shimming out of the box. Not rude at all, very valid questions. I have been playing airsoft for maybe 4/5 months now, and the only upgrade I've done to my current gun is change the motor as the stock one kept getting hot and draining my battery quickly. And there's a few reasons i want to buy a gun to upgrade: 1. i want to learn airsoft tech and i feel like this is a good way to 2. i want to have a quicker semi-auto rate of fire 3. i want to have really good range and accuracy I want to hair-trigger my gun, run 11.1v lipo, and have the ability to change the trigger response and use the pre-cocking. But if there's an alternative that's cheaper that does most of the same things please let me know I currently use asg devil .25, what do you recommend if this is something you wouldn't class as good quality? I have been trying to do research about what guns are best suited to things but most things i found were about 3 years old at a minimum. And not sure how up to date these posts are about what's reputable or not. thinking about it, you are right. its best to find a sexy gun, play with it, see what needs/could be improved and upgrade from there, right? Do you think its worth going to visit a shop to have a feel of some guns? (do they let people do that? my closest shop is about an hour or so away), just because the gun i bought previously is horrendously loud and i found that out the hard way. Also in addition, is it worth (potentially) looking for a 2nd hand gun? as i know with some things, some people never really bother going for 2nd hand products (through a private purchase), as there is no warranty.
  4. Hey guys, I am looking for some good base companies/guns on the m4 variant that have good internals to be able to upgrade. I know for certain I want to stick in a gate titan and trigger, do a flat hop and precision barrel (if gun doesn't come with) and motor upgrade, and debating whether to go for new gears 12:1 and compression upgrade to get a nice fast fire rate, good accuracy and range too. Is there any guns/companies you recommend; and where to get them from as everywhere seems to be out of stock of 80% of their products. Any sort of help is appreciated
  5. Honestly, thanks for telling me this. Think a few others said this too. My airsoft sites website used to just say the fps limit for dmr is 450fps, they just updated it recently and now gives fps limits for different bb weights Can i have some more info on Joule measurements, like what does it actually mean, how to calculate etc. I am thinking of running .32s myself. will definitely add this to the shopping list, thanks Range and accuracy is the main thing i want, as my site is a big woodland so most of the time guys and gals are quite far away, so my current gun just can't reach them, or if they can the bb doesn't fly straight. We have a med of 30m for sniper and DMR, and most of the time people are probably 40m+ away (unless its towards the end of the game then they get very close). But most of the time enemies are at a large distance. I was looking at this on taiwangun, and i am planning on buying and building after christmas and was hoping they would be shipping to the uk by then as they are the cheapest. But i highly doubt they will, i found it on patrol base for £50 more but i think it was out of stock last time i checked. Is there any other sites you recommend to get the gun from? And also a good place to get internal parts from. And finally do you reckon all of these things can be done by someone with 0 tech experience (all i have done is changed the motor on my current gun)? I have experience in messing around with electronics, is it something kind of similar in the fact that its just unscrewing things and swapping them out. Or is there a lot more to it than that? Thanks to everyone so far for the replies, sorry if i take a while to reply to anything
  6. Hello all, I have been playing airsoft for a few months now and want to change it up a bit. I am looking to build a DMR setup, but have 0 clue where to begin. Not many airsoft sales websites have a DMR section for guns, and I have seen on a few forums that DMRs are built rather than bought. I have contemplated just buying one from the "Classifieds" section of the forum. But have decided to do it myself instead, as it will also give me some tech experience which will be useful. I was originally looking at a HK417 by umarex but have read and been told the gearbox housing can't withstand high FPS. and the TM 417 was just out of my price range (gun and upgrades). I am looking for something on the M4 platform 7.62x51. And have a budget of £500 or so for base gun and upgrades. And i am wanting around 400fps with .32bbs. If anyone has any suggestions for base guns and/or parts to get then i would be much appreciated as i have little to know knowledge about what brands are better than others etc.
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