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Everything posted by TadsJ2

  1. So, first diy "mod" that you can do and gives me great performance - and doesnt include filing of hop up arm I've found an easy fix for hop up arm not being able to accept nubs - just make the nub fit What I did - i took a hollow round shaped AEG nub (pretty much the same as TM MWS stock nub, but softer rubber) and cut it in half and i've put it inside my hop up arm -> since it fits perfectly inside the round shaped compartment of the hop-up arm -> it applies more consistent and stronger pressure on my 2021 Decepticon 60o -> I am now perfectly hopping 0.36g bbs with hop up set on 5/8. Its probably not the best solution - i think it would be better to fill in the rounded compartment of the hop up arm with something like omega nub rubber cut to the size, if you would do it neatly it would act as omega nub itself and give a flat pressure on the hop up rubber. Gonna give it a try. EDIT: So with omega nub cut to the size it hops 0.4 g bbs with ease, but there is another issue, its really hard to get for it to consistently hop lighter bbs as this combination is too stiff Gonna go back to aeg nub since i wont be playing with more than 0.3g With omega nub cut to size AEG nub cut to half, along side is the TM MWS stock nub With aeg nub inside hop up arm Now this is probably not the best of the solutions and aftermarket (or filing it down) should make it even better but it is a great solution until aftermarket becomes available and it is light on your wallet
  2. I will probably have to sell sth in my collection as well but not gbbr's
  3. Just watched it... And yeah i kinda had the same reaction from guys in my range this sunday... Guys were like - oh its a GBBR AK, noice, what manufacturer - TM - oh, is it that new one? is it real steel? - yes and no - meh not a real steel receiver... not interested, after i fired at the enemy seconds later the same guys that talked to me previously - damn that sounds nice, can i have some test shots - * after firing couple rounds * - damn, thats nice! i got to get one... What i want to say, its really well made, there is no play between parts, no jankyness, everything is smooth, really a quality product so it is easy to be loved, only the hop up arm has to be fixed to accept nubs and it will be shooting heavier bbs no time.
  4. Got an AKM too, I want to upgrade the hop arm to accept omega nub/i-key but i saw that @sp00n is gonna 3d print it - so I am gonna wait for it before trying to file down the og one Also, all the GHK fans just go and create your own thread, yes we know, its not real steel receiver, its not real wood - go and be happy about it in GHK thread and leave us to be happy about our AKM's here
  5. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey guys, I've told you before to try and use Begadi VSR5 60degrees buckings, well, I am sorry, but I have to take my words back. They make a good airseal but its made from not good enough rubber for gbbr's on 15+ oC temperature it gets too swollen up and then it starts acting weird especially on full auto mag dumps. IT worked well when i was playing in the summer ( 25/30 oC), but yesterday my gun started acting on me and I found out that the reason for misfires/doublefeeds and bad full auto mag dumps - was the swollen bucking. TLDR: best to avoid Begadi VSR5 60degrees for MWS/MTR systems. This bucking only went through ~500 rounds
  6. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    >How many rounds - hard to say... lets say a 1000each Wrote a request to Impulse101... Well i measured the TM og nozzle and G&P nozzle's this part Seems that G&P nozzle is a little bit more protruding -> so i've sanded it a little I will try to make a photo, but its sanded already Sorry if this is not the angles you wanted to see, should i try to photo it from a different angle ?
  7. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Probably not on the current topic, but how long does the gas route seal hold? mine is starting to wear down and i can see some damage on it... is it normal? is there anything to be done apart from changing it? is my G&P nozzle causing this? Also should i order RIW T8 mag gaskets (cant find TM's anywhere in stock) for replacement ?
  8. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    yeah, i dig the looks so much, probably gonna grab SLR kit for mws when i will be grabbing SLR kit for AKM
  9. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    sorry to interfere in your discussion, but i was searching on the web and couldnt find any comments so maybe you could help me out: how is Dytac MWS SLR upper and lower receiver kit? Is it compatible with TM bolt&trigger box or should i get G&P bolt&trigger box? NEW
  10. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Guys, me and my fellow airsofters in my country tried the new Begadi VSR5 60degrees nub with omega tensioner - can confirm its better than ML 2021 Decepticon 60/70 degrees - shots are more consistent, fly trajectory is flatter - can recommend to try it out! https://www.begadi.com/begadi-pro-60-vsr5-r-hop-bucking-gummi-air-sealed-fuer-ca-5mm-lauffenster-blau.html
  11. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    I own both too, and I choose them considered to the field I will be playing that day - more CQB - MP7 , more open area - MWS. Love them both, but gotta agree, MP7 mags are better.
  12. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Worst part is the confusion of mostly everyone... after I asked him directly how can he be sure whether HSB caused this he didnt respond
  13. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Yeah, after these comments I am starting to want to leave that discord server
  14. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    this is what baffled me... And the explanation from SixG: Peoples buffer tube end caps fall out from time to time, this happens on stock guns, it vibrates itself undone, as with most things on GBBs loctite blue (243) is your friend. This is not because of the HSB. The prime purpose of the HSB is to stop the buffer parts being hammered so hard, causing the above and shattered buffer 'part-B'. I have never known a buffer spring to be broken because of the HSB, i cannot see any reason why this would be so, i actually think they may be getting confused because the image of a buffer spring posted is completely normal - AKA one end is supposed to have tighter wound coils (this end seats onto the buffer itself) They are also misinformed as the HSB still allows the buffer to bottom out, he difference is that the spring rate is increased so that it doesnt hit as hard, and when it does contact it touches down onto the rubber bumper not sharp/cast stock tube end cap. With regard to bolt lock on empty functionality, depending on the power of gas you are using you may or may not need to unscrew the buffer tube 1 turn. So sorry if I raised some eyebrows, just wanted to make sure that HSB shouldnt do damage to MWS
  15. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    I've read the comments from one of the guy who claims to have seen buffer spring wrecked by HSB from TM discord server I am in, since I havent found any info about it here I wanted to ask you guys, I dont have any other source than this so thats why I wanted to ask the veterans in this field I already have HSB in my hands, so just wanted to be sure whether it should be safe to install - so gonna go ahead and do it, havent had a problem with what this thread has been suggesting me before
  16. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    @Davegolf Sorry, I was talking about SixG HighSpeedBuffer (HSB), so, have any of you heard anything about SixG HSB destroying buffer springs?
  17. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey guys, So i've read from some of the guys that HSB is known to destroy buffer springs? What is your take on this?
  18. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Its about time for you to go and get your meds, I understood you completely before.
  19. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    And basing your knowledge of one experience with GBLS DAS is enough? Seems too extensive to me, but hey I can see what I am dealing with here, so whatever have it your way, thats not why I came here.
  20. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Ikr not everyone has touched the GBLS DAS and lived to tell ? Wow, what an epic story! see ya
  21. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Than i stand corrected, I havent touched one myself, only saw some reviews
  22. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Realistic carrier group, realistic trigger feel - dunno what to hate, but I can start to see a pattern here
  23. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    aaah this one, yeah, i noticed that plastic nozzle gas bottles doenst even work without a silent fill oring, i ordered a metal nozzle extension which was very long (sth like Ultra air gas bottle) and it works perfectly now on my mags without silent fill o-rings! i think it vents air out pretty good as well so i guess i will not have this issue, thanks! u kinda make it sound worse than it is, its as literal as just press on the exhaust valve and load some gas in it, then proceed filling as usual, and usually this is only with silentfill orings isnt it? Well i personally think GBLS DAS is better but you do you
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