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Everything posted by TadsJ2

  1. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Well thats the problem, i dont see any screw in the diagram but cant really figure out whether outer and inner barrels are held in by that MGG6-12 or not... And how should i take it out, whether it is necessary to take it out Talking about this part which is still left on my upper receiver nope, this shit has to be taken out as well...
  2. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey guys, So i finally managed to take out the castle/barrel nut off, I am at this part right now where i dunno what to do next and dont want to harm my MTR. Should i just try to yank out the outer/innerbarrel right now (its really stiff) or should I do sth before this?
  3. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Oh nice, thank you for the ideas! Do you maybe know the impact of retractable stock set on the performance of the gun? Also is the recoil worse with retractable stock?
  4. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    I just wondered, I think there is no way to make HoneyBadger look work for TM MWS is there? I suppose its not possible cause of the recoil shock spring?
  5. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    I finally got mine printed and it is a snug fit! I wanted to thank you once again! It is not precisely to the diameters of original one but I love it, now just the HSB have to come along with all other parts from HK and I will be able to finally finish modding my MTR16 internally
  6. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    What do you mean its certainly not green gas i've managed to shoot with green gas angry gun v2 nozzle with npas and all other stock internals to maximum 443fps. I ve set my npas for mtr to shoot on 350-360fps with all other stock so it is really doable, also i am reaching 60m with 0.3g bbs with no problems too, i am still waiting for m4 wrench to change the inner barrel and hop up buckings to ML to see whether there is any increase in power/accuracy and range but i seriously have no doubt there will be
  7. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    You are a true hero! Thank you very much!
  8. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    damn man, you are a SAVER! I will be waiting for that link, thank you very VERY much! Also, could you write what plastic you used?
  9. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    YES! exactly! did you just cooked it up quickly?
  10. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey once again guys, SO appearantly due to covid19 since 04-15 shipments from Hong Kong is gonna take 2 extra weeks just for being shipped out of their post, so I cant get the part I damaged from them in a reasonable amount of time and it looks like my shipment will be coming to me in about ~1.5-2months.... This is a really long time and I would like to use my MTR16, but if you saw my posts earlier I damaged buffer spring guide part B.... and such the replacement parts is gonna ship for 2 months I would like to ask you guys, (i know its a long shot) but maybe someone from this thread could take their buffer spring guide part B to 3d printing guys so they could scan it and make 3D printer .stl file? I suppose I am not the only one missing this part since it is out of stock everywhere, it would really help me to print myself a replacement, even if it is worse quality then the original one.
  11. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Nice idea, but wouldnt additional rubber discs shorten and strengthen the spring therefore the buffer guide rod wouldnt travel as much and buffer spring guide "part a" would hit buffer tube spring holding latch harder? Therefore would be at higher risk of braking the aforementioned latch?
  12. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    thanks! thats a relief I found some modify polymer buffers and SixG replied that he is shipping to my address so thats good news! also for now the gun is working and shooting well even with broken end, i've put some isolating tape on the broken end and melted it a little bit so it doesnt come off that easily, will have to do until replacements come or would u just suggest to leave it to rest until i swap out buffer spring guide ?
  13. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    I wrote to SixG to ask whether he ships overseas... As to regarding to buffer spring guide Part B maybe someone has ant .stl file of it for 3d printing? since i cant find it in stock anywhere i might as well print it...
  14. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Everywhere I looked part B is out of stock what about HSB spacer? can i only get it from SixG? also he doesnt ship overseas? Also what about guns modify ? i suppose part B is not interswitchable between guns modify and TM original one?
  15. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey guys, So after yesterday i noticed some plastic bits are coming out of my buffer tube, so I disassembled the buffer tube and noticed that the buffer spring guide has chewed some plastic off of it... I have a few questions: What could be the cause of it? Can it be 170% nozzle return spring? Maybe 345 fps that my gun is constantly shooting? Or is it because when i tried the gun on max npas set it shot 413fps? So what do u suggest I do now, can i continue to use mtr16 or should I change the plastic buffer spring guide to something made from metal? Like G&P Aluminum buffer spring guide v2? EDIT: I had no choice but to shoot out the remaining magazines before I store them until the next game day, i dissassembled the buffer spring guide again and saw no new cracks, so i guess it is from 413fps. Which aluminum buffer spring guide do you suggest me to get? Maybe G&P V2 ? (definitely NOT AG right? )
  16. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thats some nice info, unfortunately I didnt receive my packages yet so I can not post my measurements, I wonder how it will work with my G&P enchanced nozzle setup when it will arrive, will make a similar spreadsheet to yours
  17. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    From what i see their V2 version has more durable plastic in it, only the springs could be changed to a better set - probably dynamic precision or G&P ones, but i am quite happy with the results i am getting so far, will make a post when I will be able to take out the barrel nut and fit longer inner barrel alongside ML bucking and nub Also have high hopes for G&P 5.0 nozzle set (fingers crossed)
  18. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    m/s to FPS is just a matter of conversion... But okay, no problem, so, after playing more with the nozzles I am sorry to say that i give an edge to AG v2 nozzle It hold FPS/ m/s better, and on medium AG NPAS i get to shoot on around 360-370FPS with everything else stock. With TM stock i get to shoot on around 345-355 FPS for roughly the same gas efficiency... So for now, i am going to stay with AG v2 nozzle, until the G&P adjustable nozzle valve 5.0 and valve stopper comes to me... One thing i noticed that AG V2 nozzle has longer lip which seats better in the stock tm hop up rubber, seems to me it gives better seal and FPS out of it, with highest "power" setting on the nozzle i managed to get 413FPS , but of course after 10shots the magazine was out of gas
  19. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    I've come back from work, and after rereading your thoughts about FPS measurements i thought i should give it a go with my modified TM stock nozzle (with AG 170% nozzle return spring, and AG firing pin) - with 0,2g bbs first few shots was 108, 107m/s, then it gradually declined to about ~100-98m/s - is this normal for m/s to gradually decline after each 2 shots being shot on semi?
  20. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Nice, will go to someone who has a vice, seems to me it will minimise the risk of damaging barrel nut.
  21. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Can I just clarify? When you were trying AG nozzle set up you were trying all AG nozzle internals right? I personally switched from AG nozzle set up with all AG internals to TM stock nozzle... I only wanted to change the return spring in TM stock, but couldnt take out the pin out of firing pin, so i've taken the pin out of AG firing pin (nozzle return metal side part) ant put the new AG 170% nozzle return spring and the metal part on the return spring from AG. So my nozzle return is setup as such: TM nozzle stopper, AG 170% nozzle return spring, AG firing pin - all this inside stock TM nozzle, do you think this could cause a problem? I already am waiting for G&P reinforced drop in nozzle set, as i think it will be better then TM?
  22. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Yeah, ordered this then, though it was cheaper for me to do it from Aliexpress than them... It's a shame: I will be able to use this gun in the field this weekend once again, and I already received 410mm Crazy jet and nub + rubber and was prepared to upgrade but now I cant do it until i get this tool kinda frustrating... One more question, do you really need a vice for this job? Or I maybe can get away with heating barrel nut and trying to unscrew it ? Yes, you and me both, I was amazed by the information that is given here! One of the reasons I went with TM M4 platform instead of GHK
  23. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    dont have a vice, have a blowtorch and i now have to order additional tool for it This tool probably wont do the job ?
  24. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    now i cant take off the barrel nut of the MTR16 to change the inner barrel, i am really getting frustrated with this gun
  25. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    yes, i didnt destroy mine, i have an additional angry gun V2 nozzle set, so i've just hammered the shit out of that one, replaced the nozzle spring, i've put the plastic nozzle stopper from TM on the other end and just put everything inside with a stronger nozzle return spring inside TM stock nozzle, will see how it works now
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