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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. Hi all... I have a Firehawk and love it but it's performance is now starting to irritate me a little. Distance, fire rate, accuracy are all fine but its the way it fires that's getting to me... (ill try to explain)... in cqb, I come around a corner and face to face with my son. He's holding an arp9... we both pull the trigger at the same time and his gun has peppered me while motor is still spinning up... so. I'm going to upgrade to the arp platform. My question is... Do I go for the arp9 with drum mag (£219 + drum) or the 556 (£285 but takes M4 mags that I already have)... Any opinions on these?
  2. Best bet is army surplus (not opened yet after pandemic) or the bay of evil... Dont worry too much about camouflage until you're sure it's a long term sport for you. Until then. Dark coloured, long sleeve clothing and some good boots are all you really need. There is a shop in Fleet called Socom. I got my camo from there and I'm Not a small person either. Good luck and see you on the field.
  3. Hi. Started at Absolute Airsoft in Reading but now play more often at z mart in Newbury. Great place. Hope to see you there.
  4. Very easy. Play indoor or cqb games. Snipers not allowed and the fun just flows... Having said that (as a relative noob myself). The only time a sniper actually ruined a game was when they camped out close to our spawn. Not being able to rejoin the game kind of makes the day a waist.
  5. My son has bought me a Army Armament R45a1 1911 compact. It's all metal. Double stacked mag (18 shots) and so far, I'm really impressed with it. Very snappy, small enough to be squirrelled away and a great little fun gun.
  6. Had a brilliant day at Absolute Airsoft in Reading. Very well run and great fun. Took lots of heads today and had my share of bbs hitting me too... We also had a young man turn up with a claimed £500 of new kit. From gun to boots and everything between... so? He'd never played before (buying everything during lockdown) and decided, after the third game of the day.... "Airsoft is not for me!"... He has provisionally sold all his gear to another player and left. Hmmm. Me thinks he bigged himself up a bit too much....
  7. Is this the reason I got peppered several times whilst having one hand in the air (holding my gun aloft) and walking back to spawn? This sport is based on honesty. If you're going to use tactics like this. Expect other players to not beleive you and keep shooting till you leave the play area. As you can guess... I'm absolutely against this type of thing and if the site allowed it. I would find another site. Its killing the sport for others.
  8. I was using a 900 round hi cap mag and had 1, 300 hi cap in my pocket. Just in case... lol
  9. No offence taken. I got my Firehawk second hand and love the way it looks and sounds. I will slowly upgrade it as and when I can afford etc... but I love how it plays right now. A musicians saying is... Its not the equipment but how you use it. Same with this... I had a great time on my first game back because I played differently. The gun just enhanced my enjoyment and knowing I did it myself made it even sweeter.
  10. I have bought one but as I don't yet have a UKARA, I'm having to wait while I get it. Should be mid July. I'll keep you posted.
  11. Mosfet with gate. 11.1 lipo, upgraded red dot (much better than the old one and adding a riser has made it so easy to aquire targets even with eye protection). Upgraded rotary hopup, Front handle moved forward slightly and then practice shooting left and right handed. Shooting both eyes open. Using whatever eye is on the side of the firearm. Coming out from the side of cover and not over it. Using a camo hat so my shiny head stops being a beacon (obvious target).... Gonna run the internals as they are for now. Will be upgrading the gearbox and barrel next. After that possibly the motor too... but not just yet. Love the sound so will be keeping the amplifier. When a team mate calls for cover... I give loud and distracting fire and (today anyway) took a lot of 'skulls'
  12. After chatting on here, Reading lots about tactics etc... Watching a shed load of YouTube and then practicing in my garden... I went to Absolute Airsoft in Reading today. What a difference. I wasn't cannon fodder and actually made a difference to the game. Loved every minute (until it got too wet and these old bones started complaining). My Firehawk (yeah... not Firefox lol) and upgrades worked perfectly. I can honestly say. The difference between today's game and the last times I played are like chalk and cheese. Happy happy wolfie.
  13. Goggles over face guard (no gap between but I can see under the goggles) Goggles under face guard (there's a gap between but eyes are fully protected) I think for safety I will use Goggles under... but am I using them wrong of is this just the way they are?
  14. The mk2 max... Yeah. Quite a few about but I don't think it has quite the personality of the original.
  15. I bought the BMW (all matt black) but converted the Vmax... Got the trike cause I love riding with no helmet in the summer... obs helmet on if I'm going at speed or motorway or bad weather. Gun sleeves would have been fantastic on the BMW. 🤣 Have you ever ridden one? They look big until you sit on it.. then you realise how small they are... Heavy... but small... lol upgraded the brakes so with three wheels I now have three brakes... Stops much better 😇😇😇 Not that I would know what it goes like... Honest 😇😇😇 🤣🤣
  16. Love trikes and have had a few... Also ride bike too. Bought the Vmax in 2001 and ran it until 2015 when I decided it was going to be my next trike. Contrary to hype... Maxes handle really well if you remember they are 1980s bikes... Once you get that they are amazing. Having said that... As a trike. Its like the world's fastest go cart... the acceleration can only be described as "sudden or Brutal ".... Love this forum. Been having a good look around and delving into the tech section. Will probably try setting up my mosfet next...
  17. That's my old BMW trike... Loved it. Had a few. Forgot that Google has it as my profile pic. I have a Vmax trike now.
  18. Hi everyone. Only played a couple of times. Have a g&g firehawk with mosfet and 11.1 batteries. Really enjoying the gaming (though haven't played this year, lockdown). I'm pretty much cannon fodder while learning but always open to improving. Hope to be back in play very soon.
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