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  • Guns
    I own a WE G34, a TM AK, a CYMA AK, a UMP, and a KWA USP.
  • Loadouts
    No loadouts as of yet
  • Sites
    Skirmish Airsoft

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  1. If you ever want to sell your broken one let me know.
  2. Haha we aren't all that bad, I just want to state for the record
  3. Awesome, thanks for the help guys
  4. Hi guys, I'm interested in buying real steel stuff but, new to the subject. My question is, if ordering from places like zibmilitaria, brownells, etc. Is it better to give them your UKARA details or does it not matter? I'm assuming with brownells UK it's unnecessary but not sure with international sites. Thanks for any help.
  5. Hi, how much for the 3 waffle mags and the 74 hi cap? Also do you know the make of the 74 mag? Thank you
  6. CamoNick96

    Russian Kit

    Hi, are you splitting any of this? Thanks
  7. CamoNick96

    Plate Carrier

    Is there a wall lead for the charger? I don't know much about chargers and what they need to be honest. Thanks
  8. CamoNick96

    5 CYMA AK mags

    Hi, is that 45 including paypal fees?
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