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  1. Looking to get my first AKS-74U from LCT, have the option of deciding whether or not its wired to Mini Tamiya, Deans or XT60.
    What should I go for and what are the actual differences between the three?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Agreed, Deans is the good enough + common enough solution.


      XT-60 is common enough on RC batteries but they tend to be blocks rather than sticks, so (assuming you don't want to rewire airsoft batteries yourself) it's really a question of whether you can source batteries with that connector which will fit in the available space.



    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      although an argument in favour of xt60 if you solder your own connections, is nobody is going to be sponging/stealing your batteries

    4. Druid799


      Deans and XT’s are on a par when it comes too power transfer but as the others have said deans are so much easier to source already fitted to batt’s and what not . In comparison to basically every other connector you could think of Tamiya’s (both sizes) are an utter pile of wank when it comes to transfer rates there just so inefficient in comparison . So no don’t have one of those fitted ! 😉

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