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  1. Got the carbon tank done in bristol and was 22 quid does that seem the norm I've got a 12l one I need to get tested but nowhere wants to test it
  2. OK so this tank has unlimited life? Where can I get it tested as my local dive place won't do carbon composite tanks
  3. OK perfect and then mu carbon is 5 years correct
  4. I was pretty sure it needed every 5 years but the seller is addimant it isn't and telling me there's no law on it. Its a 48ci tippman steel bottle
  5. So biught a tank that was sold to me as 2019 but turns out it 2016 the seller is stating that tanks under 1l don't legally need to be re tested. Can't find any laws online etc any advice
  6. Sooner spend 170 on another gecko lol 170s alot to waste for 40s of my time
  7. I get what you mean about dye but then there's empire etc tounditn hear about in the airsoft scene or the j flex allnpeople ever say is dye
  8. The empire ones I've been eyeing up I don't like. Mesh as I've had bbs shatter and come in my face /eyes. How do you find the empire. The dye are they actually that good or is it all. Hype
  9. So my wife has set me a budget of 200 to replace my hk army mask as its luminous and stand out looking for a camo setup or something dark. Spoilt for choice with what to go for but do I : Dye i5 Jt proflex x Virtue vio Push unite Or do I go down the lines of warq or one tigris full face /helmet I'm a. Larger person and find my hk mask fogs up
  10. Tell me more where the fans from I'm a fatty and so get rather moist
  11. I've always zerod scopes on my air guns etc just with airsoft seem to just flick and shoot as I'm useless
  12. I'm picking up a 9ltr 300 bar composite tank at weekend for 120 and the extras I wouldn't use tbf I've got a red dot on my aeg and never actually use it
  13. Ofcourse I can when it arrives just eemed a good deal how much was yours? Is yours a V2?
  14. May have jumped the gun then got a brand new tippmann with bottle and line today for 460.. The mtw I've seen where aroubf 650? May have to send the tippman back if the stock coming in is true
  15. Out of budget.... So and can't find any in stock
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