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  • Guns
    Systema ptw, kwa g18c, TM aws.
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    milsim, brit 2009 mtp
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    Last played at FOB, Mall

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  1. Not a chance 2k base price. if you are on about because it’s a £2400 build then my systema PTWs should be near £3000-£4000 my mates one sold for £1200 with RS EoTech, 6 stanags steel bolt, modded motor there is one for £900 with 6 mags and uprated parts. URGI models are selling for £1100
  2. At least you found it. I made the stupid trigger spring fly on my first strip down….. 6 weeks later I received one from a HK site 🤣 all for £4.99
  3. What mags? actually TM/GM mor are they DE?
  4. Worth about £1300-1500 max or supermax GB? 490 motor or Solink?
  5. These packages are going for about £1800 depending on spares since you have a spare up and ALOT of mags safe to say £1800-£2000
  6. If it’s soft and squishy have a look on YouTube for a video that explains how to modify the hammer and check the sears. they are over moulded from factory so after time they give the feeling of the dead trigger yeah the chassis only needs very light greasing and the piston needs oiling every 20 mags or so for it to be decent.
  7. What type of feeling do you get from the trigger? soft, squishy or does it just feel like a dead trigger? has the chassis been removed fully cleaned and lived lately? tm Mp7’s are known for intermittent working if they are over lubed. the seat sometimes fails and the steel sear is a good replacement if can find one.
  8. Diablo675!


    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    Selling my ISEG NGAL Deluxe MKii red laser Ir vis ir illuminator la23 pressure switch this is the update VCSEL not the EEL model used for 4 games my systema PTW has failed so selling to fund a new gearbox and motor posted mainland uk £350 £370 EU


    - GB

  9. All dependant on the parts list. on my old WOC Build I shimmed the stock Routers to the old 5ku nozzle. some people modify a GHK nozzle and seal to fit the Wa Bolt etc which in turn lead to more issues down the line.
  10. It all depends on the current setup if the pistol is great with gas efficiency like Tm and some WE models.. adding an updated router will need some supporting mods like re-enforced nozzle and return springs piston seal/cup. if the gas system struggles from factory with efficiency due to a poorly designed nozzle and Mag seal, then it will act like you run it on propane. my advice is to actually shim your current mas seals and test how it improves it.
  11. Diablo675!

    Bits and bobs


    • For sale
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    Glock 17/19 holster X300 and Tlr-1 fitment. £55 posted IS-EG Ngal Red version Uk posted £350 Worldwide £370 Noveske 9inch Rail £50 posted Samson Evolution 9inch rail £60 posted Generic Mlok 12inch rail £50 posted Mws spare Bolt Gm V3.5 nozzle Dynamic nozzle return spring Dynamic rocket valve spring Ali Roller weight Posted £70


  12. It’s just mag cool down mate. easiest thing is to get pocket hand warmers and put them in each mag pouch, keeps the mags over 18° easy and allows the gas to perform like it’s summer
  13. I can vouch for this being EXTREMELY RARE because it was mine before I sold it. I purchased the kit on released 2013.
  14. Can I get someone’s input.. I have a BCM bolt with a GM 3.5 nozzle and Npas, Waldo nozzle spring, dynamic Npas spring and it feels like it’s getting hung up more comparing it to my second Tm bolt running the same set up just a G&P nozzle. The BCM bolt releases the nozzle way later in the cycle motion. would running the G&P nozzle be better long term using propane?
  15. Right your package is not worth over 2k plain and simple. you can get Pts EPM mags that feed better than Stanag mags for £200 for 6-8 depending where you shop. since you didn’t answer any questions. leads to more then likely the motor is an old 7511 non Kumi or a 480 at best. since you don’t know what hop mod it is I bet it’s the basic stability mod for the grub screw. Infinity kits with more mods and better performance mods are going for £1600 solink brushless builds with complete 416 or L119a2 builds are going for 1200-1400 parts lose pricing after being used and gatherering dust and usage marks. since you clearly have no clue about what has been done. I’m out I’ll buy another kit and upgrade myself
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