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alxndrhll last won the day on April 6 2023

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    G17 - MCX - PTW
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  1. Has anyone else been seeing a noticeable increase in delays using Royal Mail? Had a few bits (incoming and outgoing) taking significantly longer to arrive than the name of the service used would imply, entirely understandable with everything going on. I've had a look around and just can't find any obvious reason outside of the very obvious one (COVID) for the sudden spike in delays. Asking purely so I can be sure to set expectations on arrival times where they should be.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. alxndrhll


      Aye just all seems a bit up the air of late, understandably so. But this is the first instance I've been having in terms of disruption. It's alsmost more frustrating that it isn't consistent... but it is what it is! Ta for taking the time gents!

    3. Excal1burUK


      I know some areas that have local lockdowns it has delayed all the depot's located there so they are stuck there for 72 hour quarantine then it can be moved onwards. 


      (got this information from royal mail when chasing up some of my orders)



    4. alxndrhll


      Good to know, much appreciated bud!

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