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alxndrhll last won the day on April 6 2023

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    G17 - MCX - PTW
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  1. Welp, against my better(?) judgement I've gone ahead and ordered my first AEG in roughly half a decade. Also my first ever Taiwangun and Gunfire orders, so intrigued to see what that experience is like. That's the base gun, mags and external parts on the way for my 'heretical' AK. Let the hunt for tech to make it sing commence... because it certainly won't be me!


    Sidenote, any advice in terms of batteries which fit in battery space of a CM045a would be appreciated. I'm planning on running 11.1's in it once it's had the things installed to make that safe/not at risk of making it die. It's weirdly refreshing to feel like a total noob again.

    1. RonLancs


      Most batteries will fit in the dust cover of CM.045a just depends what fet you’re putting in it.

    2. alxndrhll


      Truthfully I have no idea when it comes to mosfets, they weren't a common thing back when AEGs were something I used. From my loose understanding either a Perun v3 or some sort of Gate thing (there seem to be so many and I'm yet to look into what the differences are). I imagine it'll be a case of chatting to the person I get to do the work and seeing if they have any advice? The tech side of things is very much the 'against my better judgement' part!

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      For an ak i tend to stick to nanoasr or warfet.


      Avoid active braking as it'll royally screw up semi auto unless like the warfet theres some precocking to it.

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