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    Silverback SRS A1 sport
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    Ghillie, light web
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  1. Spring depends on a few things, you might need a 3j and loose a few coils. But Rapax is the way to go. Use the bucking that comes with the fast hop. Mags; Plastic are obviously lighter, metal are more robust. They are also twice the price. o7
  2. Yes Honestly get a 2j rapax spring, were talking a few quid, or any m150 spring which are cheaper than the rapax but toughen the bolt pull. The rapax is the way forward tbh. Any m150 spring will get you up to max or near as dam it FPS. Stock you can take 70m clean. With a rapax you're taking 95m kills. Tldr; like I said , yes
  3. SRS A2 is due out in May, check out Skirmshop for the information page.
  4. Nice 👍 I’d be interested to know if you have to cut a couple of coils off the 3j rapax to get the req j’s
  5. Out of interest which silencer did you go for @Steveocee?
  6. Edit: Cancelled that order, had a change of heart. SBA fast hop chamber, FOW nub, 60 RHop and 100% Chamber seal. Instead of a barrel, piston and silencer I’m going to get my boy some kit for his birthday. Any of you guys able to play despite the plague? I’ma say screw it and gonna play on the 12th 🤫
  7. Okay so when you say take your time and get it perfect, are you talking about tweaking the hop to get the desired flight..straight then rise and drop...or..? Is there a limit to the bbs we can use?
  8. Hey guys Does anyone know what weight bbs I should be using with a stock A1 ( m150 spring only upgrade )? From what I’ve read else where, 0.40’s looks like the right match...any help would be appreciated 😁
  9. Thx man, grabbed some better eye pro and the scope is obviously mounted so it's already better than Sunday. Whilst I'm here... The bolt pull or last centimetre of it ( i know this is not a new thing), i removed the trigger sear spribg, no different. Its lubed up with silicone and dry ptfe. Am i right in assuming that the only way to have a buttery bolt is to upgrade the piston - wasp/silverback etc?
  10. Wassup all 😁 new member, new to airsoft and new SRS owner. Kinda thought fuck it if you're gonna go, go big. Grabbed myself a 20"sport stock apart from an m150 spring. Ran it on Sunday out of the box. No idea how I did... No scope ( didn't arrive in time) and the eye pro i had was pony. I could'nt see a scooby, at all, all day. A scope would of made chuff all difference. Playing on the 16th hopefully with the help of vision 👍.
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