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Cr0-Magnon last won the day on July 14 2024

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  • Guns
    G&G 556 DMR, FDE Scorpion Evo, TM Glock 17 Gen.4, AAP-01, Tanaka Colt Python
  • Loadouts
    Drab clothes and flavour of the month RIF's.
  • Sites
    TWA, Dogtag
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  • Interests
    Donating a large percentage of my monthly salary to the airsoft industry.

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  1. Your custom/upgraded pistol isn't worth nearly as much as you think...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      @MistakenMexican - I know this more than most. I often see people trying to sell custom Hi Capa's for £500 or more and think "if I was going to sink that much in to one, I'd just go to Mike Cripps"....for all I know a private seller has built one through trial and error and not feeling 100% warm and toasty about the end result.

    3. MistakenMexican


      Indeed, I've had to swallow a bit pill recently. 

      I've got a bunch of rare pistols that just wont sell for the 70% formula... and it's not because people don't want them or they don't work... it's because people don't have £400 lying around to buy a second hand pistol.

    4. Impulse


      I always upgrade all my pistols to shoot as well as I can make them, but I tend to use them a lot because bolt actions and MEDs. It's totally worth it for me to spend £250 on a TM pistol with all the bells and whistles because I need it to perform.


      So it's definitely worth a lot to me, however selling them second hand... I'd 100% agree. Having upgraded all my pistols, I know it really isn't that expensive to make them shoot well with all the things :P

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