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Impulse last won the day on December 31 2024

Impulse had the most liked content!

1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    KJW m40a5, MTW308, TM mk12 mod1 MWS, KJW m700, TM MWS CQBR, KWA mp9, TM M16A4 MWS, TM Hi-Capa + mk23
  • Loadouts
    US scout sniper, US recce, US SHTF civvie, VC farmer-in-pyjamas, 1970s Vietnam Aussie scout
  • Sites
    Worthing Airsoft, Driver Wood, Gunman Eversley Alpha (for 'Namsoft!)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Brighton, England
  • Interests
    Airsoft (duh?), video games, tabletop roleplaying games, self-defence / martial arts, writing fiction, journalism, reading, swimming, action films, cooking

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  1. I've done the thing. I've got to the point where I don't think there are any more guns I want, unless I can get my hands on a Tanaka m24 (unlikely). Items that I might still get are a set of load-bearing kit in tan and maybe a helmet to go with my desert marpat and maybe more scopes if I feel like it, but I'm largely done. 

    Will post my last(?) gun purchase when I get it tomorrow ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. strykerles


      you're a filthy liar and you should be ashamed


      we are never "done" with pew purchases 🤣

    3. Impulse


      You say that, but I have... um... 29 guns, not including pistols. With pistols it's 41 total.

      And I use about 15 of them of them including pistols. The rest are packed away :P 

    4. ButcherBill


      Have a word with yourself...


      While you're doing that, we'll form an orderly queue to give you a slap.

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