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Impulse last won the day on May 5

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    KJW m40a5, KJW m700, TM mk12 mod1 MWS, TM MWS CQBR, KWA mp9, G&P m14 DMR, TM Hi-Capa, AAP01, TM 1911
  • Loadouts
    US scout sniper, US recce, US SHTF civvie, VC farmer-in-pyjamas, 1970s Vietnam Aussie scout
  • Sites
    Worthing Airsoft, Driver Wood, Gunman Eversley (for 'Namsoft!)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Brighton, England
  • Interests
    Airsoft (duh?), video games, tabletop roleplaying games, self-defence / martial arts, writing fiction, journalism, reading, swimming, action films, cooking

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  1. Great. Now I have to add a gun to the "I want one" list. At least the "I want one maybe" list. I think a WE m14 might be a bit of fun, but I also have an aversion to anything WE...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Impulse


      Yeahhhhh, they look like so much fun and I'd totally tweak mine if I did get one (as I do with all my guns). DO I think it'll shoot as well as my HPA m21? No. Not in the slightest. It'll be loud, inconsistent and temperature dependent, but maaaaaaaaan would it be a fun gun to use.

      But yeah, it's also a WE... I've seen a lot more WEs fail spectacularly than work spectacularly. 🤔

    3. Druid799


      Playing devils advocate it’s the parts you’ll probably swap out anyway that have the potential to fail ? 🤔

      plus just to stick an extra bit of ‘no pressure’ my mate had put a wooden stock on his and quite frankly I’d say it was as near to handling the real McCoy as you could get in this country 😍 

    4. Impulse


      Thanks. Now I am adding it to the "I want one" list instead of the maybe list. I think if I was going to do a build I'd want a proper wooden stock for it. My HPA m21 I have already is silent and tactical, this build would be LOUD and PROUD!

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