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Impulse last won the day on May 5

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    KJW m40a5, KJW m700, TM mk12 mod1 MWS, TM MWS CQBR, KWA mp9, G&P m14 DMR, TM Hi-Capa, AAP01, TM 1911
  • Loadouts
    US scout sniper, US recce, US SHTF civvie, VC farmer-in-pyjamas, 1970s Vietnam Aussie scout
  • Sites
    Worthing Airsoft, Driver Wood, Gunman Eversley (for 'Namsoft!)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Brighton, England
  • Interests
    Airsoft (duh?), video games, tabletop roleplaying games, self-defence / martial arts, writing fiction, journalism, reading, swimming, action films, cooking

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  1. Even though I cut my finger open trying to open it up after venting the first two CO2 bulbs (because I'm an idiot who can't work these things out), I love the Wraith CO2 adapter. I'm just going to go out there and say it. This new VSR build with the Wolverine Bolt and Wraith CO2 adapter is my new favourite. Hands down. It's so good and is so easy to adjust the power to match the joules you need for your local site limits, or even run it as a 1J sniper and have no MED.
    Though, if you're getting one, make sure you have a set of Imperial measurement allen keys. Metric ones won't work! Found out the hard way when I forgot my set when I went down to the range this morning 🤣
    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yep, distinct memories of rummaging through my box o'keys when i got the fusion to find one the right size.

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