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Everything posted by Cam-the-airsoft-sniper

  1. Rare blood type? Also no man in the history of the world has EVER been happy about this: "Also, we have bronze turkeys at work. They're better than the white ones, cooler to look at (they look like little penguins)."
  2. True, lol. Can't wait to get some tips from you. also see if the barrl has done anything.
  3. It is just a PITA, One minte it is fine and then high as I kite :/ You work on a turkey farm?
  4. Oh! I forgot something, Being 14 And my stupid SOAB voice! I mean really! Make up your God damn mind!
  5. Saldy that is true, everthing is getting me down ATM.
  6. I get it all the time I like to think of it as a plus now.
  7. My internet My voice Money Exams The rioters who have no reason the riot The lack of good Vietnam Documentries The fact I don't have an AK-47 The fact I dont have a Girlfreind Nothing to do The fact that I care about things no one gives a damn about. People think that because I know about firearms I am a murder My stupid voice Still more but I can't be bothered to type
  8. The Combat South Shop has one of them!
  9. I wonder what a tan Desert Eagle would look like... Also what about a Chrome slide with the rest black bits... hmm
  10. My Desert Eagle: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/189/dscn1645ua.jpg/
  11. Oh dear... Why the hell didn't I look at the first picture.....? I was distracted by that oversized nerfpod
  12. Spray it anything but orange, green or blue please! Oh and nerf on airsoft! That is a biggest sin I have ever heard of! I am joking, I am actualy quite interested, Is it fullsized or a 1:3 or something along those lines? Also how did you get that nerfpod on there? I cant see a RIS rail or anything
  13. Sorry about that.. But anyway that gun is not a good quailty and has a plastic gearbox and has no TM parts f4tornado. Also I personaly wouldn't trust the site or compay just because of the spelling mistakes and strange descriptions. Once again sorry, we were all out of line and deleting our posts didn't help.
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