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Everything posted by Cam-the-airsoft-sniper

  1. Being Depressed, I have 7 exams coming up, it looks like my dream job went out the window, I dont think I will be able to do the charity work I have been dying to do when I am 20, I spent a year saving up for something that dosnt work so utter disapointment, I have no money so no airsoft, I have nothing really PC dosnt work and no airsoft. Also tonnes of revison I have no time for So basicly everything has gone to sh*t.
  2. Problem being is that it isnt A level it plain old GCSE. And they are asposed to be easy.
  3. Well I just got my results resulting in: ICT B, Maths C, Bio D, Phy C This may not sound bad but I am so very pissed of about the D. SO very Pissed So much so that I have convinced myself not to buy my £600 computer on saturday on the grounds I dont deserve it. So that suck, But on a better side I may of withnested the single best fight in history today.
  4. I only intend to run a few games so it is being built with thoses specs, I intened to get him to build this then upraded it as I go. Tha games are: Fallout New Vegas & The GECK Minecraft Maybe Just cause 2
  5. I am anrgy beacuse I will never afford to own a decent gaming computer, a freind has just given me a qoute for a basic one at £350, I cant afford that!
  6. I am angry at my freind, After sitting there for over a hour listening to him shout abuse that was racist and may other things I reported him to sony SCEE, and for some reason I feel bad about it! f*ck you emotions! But talking to fellow airsofters on facebook is funny
  7. I left after he started talking about COD, I nearly got my mic out and played the Trololol song.
  8. That... That... Is the single most disturbing thing I have seen/read on the internet. Also... BLOODY STUPID IDIOTS WITH MICS! Just beacuse someone killed you on BF3 dosnt mean you ca shout homafobic racist abuse at people while over using the word dick. Even worse... the guy just said "Who uses a claymore"
  9. Well: My braces seem to be equal to being curb stomped in pain rating. My SD card would not come of the lock setting so I butched it with a screw driver and it still wont work. Quite depressed for no reason, But on the upside by removing the stock on my AKS it has made it alot easyer to use and now looks like the ones used in lord of war, But still angry.
  10. 1) I get to show of to people tonight! 2) Trolling people 3) My AK-47S is the sex!
  11. I just got the price of the repair bill, they had to replace the wire loom for a massive cost of... £20 pounds.... I was amazed! Ha ha! Also if I find the camera I will get some pics of its new wood.
  12. Huh? You should of got it in black, the TT would look better.
  13. Sadly I do not have any wenches........ For Cam is:
  14. Well I just watched 'Dr Strangelove' and that has made me very happy, now watching 'Lord of War' for the second time in two days. I get my AK back tomorrow for a shiny new wood kit, and I am doing some 'charity' work for my school.... and it lets me get accses to some old records and stuff. Buttt.... I am also comming over with a cold.
  15. Well I get the price tomorrow, one of the wires broke on my AK so it needed replacing and I wanted it re-wired to the top, It will cost around £50.
  16. I just got 1 combat south replair bill and a stick battery.
  17. Patches..... If someone wants to buy me a patch for me and give it to me at CS then of which I pay for it then I will be most happy!
  18. GOOD NEWS! It seems hampshire contabulary next requitmen drive is in the same year I will leave collage.... Thus, Cam is joining the police.... in 6 years
  19. I was joking dev Also you have a PM from me!
  20. Jesus Christ! NECRO POST! When are the devs going to sort this out..... Ohh... wait.... Sorry.
  21. Well lets see: I will onyl be able to get my dream gun when I am 18 due to the cost ect.. Annndd combat south STILL HAVE NOT FIXED MY GUN!!! Also I want a damn Tanaka SAA in black with a bronze back strip and oak grips Nowww!!!!
  22. Well if you are I have first dibs on your L96!
  23. Um? It is called helping a freind, silly craig.
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