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Selling some surplus. All in excellent condition, some items brand new.
- AK/SCAR NGRS Air group with Cylinder, Head , Piston - 10 GBP
-M4 NGRS Air group Cylinder, Head , Piston - 10 GBP
- NGRS original gear set - 10 GBP
- Lambda 5 steel inner barrel 10,5 inch - 25 GBP new
- Laylax CNC 10,5 inch outer barrel for M4 NGRS - 25 GBP
- Torch ring - 5 GBP
- Sling ring, fits NGRS m4 tube or GBB - 5GBP
- Scope/dot risers - 5 GBP each
postage and PPal fees to be added