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  • Guns
    Well MB06, JG G608.
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    M05, webbign.
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  • Location
    West Norfolk

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  1. Today arrived to me, it's second hand. As I know it used to belong to AFUK member. Kit includes RIF and 4 mags.
  2. JG G36C, since 2018. After one year upgraded it. Still I'm using it and enjoy playing with it. For me it's cheap and reliable toy.
  3. Perun wires are long, signal wires aswell. It's how mine installed.
  4. Hi Paul. I have two G36, in both installed AB++. Mosfets I left in battery department. AB ++ has long wires and not cause any problems for triger responds. I'm happy with this setup, and all my batteries have T connectors (deans). Later on I can add pictures if you need.
  5. You can grab this one https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/jg-works-g36-m4-magwell-adapter-with--nozzle-9801-p.asp , it's cheaper. Personally I use PTS G mags, they are expensive but slimmer than g36 original and works without any problems.
  6. The AB++ don't have binary triger and not adjustable for sensitivity, also not checked is it works with DSG. Personally me bought AB++ for precocking and ability to set up for DMR( I have 36C for mid range and 36K as DMR). You can check spec on Perun page and decide which one better for you.
  7. In my opinion Perun AB++ easier to install. For Hybrid need to modify gearbox shell as I know, and difference in price (~£25).
  8. Hi. Clean up gearbox, shim it. For snappier response add Perun AB++, set up precocking, it gives good triger responds. If you need more speed, change gears to 13:1. I have the same gun. It has ZCI inner barrel, Maple leave packing(bucking), Omega style Nub, gearbox shimed and installed AB++. I am happy how it runs. All parts bought from AK2M4
  9. Hi Dannyncfc7. I have started good one year ago. Mainly for playdays I go on my own. It's not a problem to go on your own, soon you will meet like minded airsoft friends. Airsofters are friendly guys and girls, also site owners in my area are good and chatty (mainly ex-military). Just book your game day, be safe enjoy and have fun.
  10. In Norfolk We have Combat airsoft Thetford and Combat action games Norwich. For booking in Combat airsoft I use Chrome browser, other browsers redirect to some s... pages. I've booked for 3rd April in Combat airsoft CQB.
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