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Everything posted by Reed20v

  1. Urban Assault was my first site, i went loads of times. Great site, terrible marshalling and SUPER cliquey/boys club shit but the building to building firefights made up for all of it. Second place goes to the mall, terrible for airsoft in reality but it was so different and the people running it really put the effort in with the different game modes, always appreciated a silly one after a day of serious games (supermarket sweep!). Now it's just woodland, can't find an indoor site anyway. im bored of the woods
  2. i've not but ive got a Ares SR25, wonder if the mags from this fit? the Ares uses a normal V2 gearbox in an AR10 sized shell so the feed hole is in the middle. I put a tightbore and a maple leaf hop in mine but i could never get the mags to play ball with anything heaver than a .28 so it got shelved and ive falled out of love with it now (thankfully i didnt pay full price - they are £525 new!)
  3. SR25 - maple leaf hop, tightbore, mags that dont feed properly M4 - doesnt feed, M100 spring, in for a maple leaf hop and diagnostics MP5SD6 - £90 hero i bought on a whim and has been the best airsoft gun ive ever owned.
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