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Everything posted by Nasro

  1. haha, she's a classic you gotta take care of her
  2. Here are the babies tucked in their bed... Gonna change the EOtech scope soon as my MH1 arrives. I used to have the drum mag but I didn't really like it. I traded it for 4x 50r tapped mags, angry gun power-up suppressor (bottom right) and the handrail (bottom right, which I'm actually wanna get rid off) What upgrades do you have?
  3. looks nice and clean dude. Welcome to the KWA Kriss Vector Owners Club
  4. Lol If I ever spend £500 on a sight please delete my account here and block me from anything airsoft related
  5. I give too many ff... likes haha
  6. Atleast this feature work haha
  7. I was really excited... I'll bet the USB updates/settings wouldn't work either... Damn replicasss!
  8. I bought my DI FC1 and the MH1 from China, The FC1 has arrived but still waiting on the MH1 now. Does it function like the real one? switch on and off when you point down and up? (i hope so) lol
  9. Is that the MH1 sight on the KWA??
  11. LOOOL "adds something different" It adds more bricks to the toilet hole HAHA What is the top gun on the left?
  12. NEW TOYS The DI Optical FC1 came in today from Asia Also, more Long mags from Miami came today too from a nice fella Arren Cudal (owner of Tapp Airsoft) he also sent me the Power up-suppressor and the model work rail system Now I am waiting for the Hartman MH1 sight to arrive...
  13. Question: Is this possibly my next KWA? Answer: Yes! Meet the KWA Ronin TK .45 The mix breed son of the Kriss vector and the G&G ARP9
  14. Mate, that’s on point! He did a jolly good job! That looks like it’s not gonna shake at all. If that fits on the KWA the same, count me in on one too haha
  15. You’re allowed to post what ever you want here in this thread related to Kriss Vector. Looks sweet as! I’m really liking the black and bronze. How far you’d say it will shoot? You still have it?
  16. Yes it's for the krytac, if it gets good enough reviews, I may buy one and drop the kit in it... althoughI'm not the biggest fan of AEG, eventually, the KWA vectors would be out of replacement parts then, good luck lol
  17. What he has done is unnecessary. Probably because he didn't have the correct parts. The connection he used is fine but not for airsoft use. but this is an easy job you can do it yourself. http://www.bestfittings.co.uk/default.asp alternatively, Get in contact with Chris from HIGH-PRESSURE AIRSOFT and tell him I (mabs) put you through He is a very nice guy and will help you with the parts or anything HPA
  18. WTH is that? Do you mind showing us how the mag looks like with it, please? As far as I am aware, all you are required to do is simply open the mag base plate, unscrew the original valve and replace it with the tap, then replace the base plate again and bob is your uncle. The Spring looks fine and is fine as long as the inner piston goes back down again when you pull it out and let go of it.
  19. I quite find the process of the stick mags a little too long when it comes to changing...where did he place the tapp? below the mag (usual valve replacement) or below the feed spring? Have a pic? check if your piston spring (part 117) has not been snapped. Another way of checking for these errors are, point your gun downwards and test fire a couple times and do the same thing a couple times pointing upwards. Also, As @rocketdogbert mentioned, any damaged on the feed lips.
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