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Everything posted by Dan1712

  1. Join the club lol. But it'll be fine mines been like this since I got it a few years ago been through a number of game days and more backyard plinking than most guns do in there entire life, other than the trigger set wearing out not missed a beat πŸ‘
  2. Made up a set of safety deletes for the vector todayπŸ™‚
  3. Definetly get hold a spare sear set if you can find any, i also second the airsoft enginuity hop set over the maple leaf one , ive had both and seem to have more luck with the fixed hop. as RDB said dont lose the torch plug or thats it gone forever!!!!!! Spare hammers and springs come up time to time from kwa themselves in the US. Everything else should last pretty well. TTake it apart learn how everything works its a very finnicky trigger set if it isnt all absolutley perfect youll have issues, but they arent too complicated to fix when they do go down Also would reccoment getting a Gen 2 Style trigger from Rhesus which converts it to a normal style trigger which feels nicer to shoot. (also adds the benifit of being able to tune the trigger pull.) Other than that look after it and enjoy it
  4. Looks like a g36 handguard ?
  5. Other than smelling shit that should be fine
  6. Straight propane should be ok it mainly what GG is if anything GG probably has more umph
  7. You'll get very good at taking them apart and fixing them in no time if you use it alot πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
  8. Wow had it a while then. I got mine last year and if im honest it's barley the same gun i bought back then thanks to @rocketdogbert and his persuasive ways πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  9. All you need to do is remove the thread protector then make a shim of some sort for the barrel (piece of coke can or something) then do up the grub screw and jobs a gooden πŸ‘Œ
  10. This silencer? 😏😏
  11. What it means is you can used Normal inner barrels that fit other gbbs like the crazy.jet inner barrel etc
  12. Both in my mind it converts it to a normal style trigger pull on a pivot. And it's styled like a later generation vector trigger The 3d printed hop lets you use standard gbbr barrels and hops but at the downside of having the hop fixed
  13. Other than the 3d printed nozzle it's the 3d printed hop and a crazy jet barrel and a ml hop rubber. There's also a 3d printed trigger you can get that is way nicer than the standard
  14. Your correct it is 3d printed but it's also carbon fibre reinforced 😊 @rocketdogbert has tested it thoroughly and had no problems as far as I know
  15. This is what you'll need if the nozzle is broken/jammed https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F183845742111
  16. Ah the dreaded issue trigger issue me and @rocketdogbert where plagued with through most of last year, have you tried a new semi sear, trigger bar or hammer ? In the end i ended up swapping out most of my trigger pack to fix the issue. I personally can't say exactly what it is as i believe it's a mixture or a few things but rdb is probably your best bet
  17. Looks even more bling in white 🀀
  18. All part of the fun πŸ˜‚ Has to be said they aren't the best in their stock form but a couple tweaks and they're a lovely gun to use 😊
  19. Can't say I've had the best of luck/experience with my vector but there's no way I'd willingly get rid of it 😊 And i have a standard hop in my Kwa 1911 and it works just as good as anything else 😊
  20. I have one of the prototype ones in my vector aswell paired with a crazyjet barrel and .32s its ranging easily 65-70+ metres.😯 Haven't tried one of the production versions just yet but i would assume they easily keep to that if not better 😊
  21. Welcome to the club (Warning it can get expensive ). What mods does your gun have and what have you got planned?
  22. Mine arrived this morning ta very much @proffrink
  23. Looking forward to gettingπŸ˜πŸ‘
  24. Think I'll be adding one to mine once mine breaks πŸ‘πŸ‘
  25. Looking forward to getting mine πŸ‘
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