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Steveocee last won the day on February 15 2021

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    don't kill people, rappers do!
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  1. It's taken 8 weeks but the ghillie is done! Cannot wait to try it out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Lucky, I'm still waiting for haloscreen to get back in stock somewhere.

    3. Steveocee


      @Diemaco it's a ghillie so you wouldn't see it 😉
      @Skara halo stuff is super popular isn't it? Totally opposite end of the spectrum but mine was made fully with Helikon ghillie yarns (I've gone easy though so I don't look like an electrified wookie).

    4. Skara


      Nah it's not as popular as plastic leaves, mostly due to its cost and lack of availability (you can only get it from LCS or Theyma)

      I reckon it's more versatile than leaves as it doesn't have that awful plasticky look (no matter how much you try to mod them, they'll still look out of place).


      My ghillies are going to be mostly cotton, some HS whenever I get my hands on some and some hair bands for real vegetation (you can't beat nature, can you?).


      Jute has its application for sure, but as you said most plebs just pile up strands upon strands and end up looking like a meth addicted wookie who's just gone through a car wash.

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