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Everything posted by mogaly674

  1. mogaly674

    SRS Silverback

    Hi, I would ask why you want the left handed version as I'm left handed but my SRS is a standard right hand version. Plus if you decide sniping / SRS isn't your thing then it may sell easier. Mo
  2. I've got to say I like it and it's giving me ideas for my MWS
  3. Hi, Are the magazines mid cap or High cap. Thanks
  4. I have just brought a TM REcoil and I was wondering what weight and Brand BB's people recommend for the TM NGRS Rifles at the moment I am using G & G PSBP in my ICS M4. Thanks in Advance
  5. Evening All, I'm looking at expanding my collection of primary weapons as I currently own a number of M4 Variants which use the Stanag Magazines. What other weapons will take the M4 Stanag Magazines like - Scar - L / SA80's etc so I can start narrowing my options. Thanks Mo
  6. Cracking day of airsoft today. Great bunch of people who played fairly and the teams were rather evenly matched. All in all a good day can't wait for the next one.
  7. Looking forward to the game tomorrow anyone else who is there feel free to say Hi, I will be the guy wearing MARPAT with the selection of M4's Thanks Mo
  8. Hi all, I will be going this Saturday for the skirmish game and hope to see some of you there. I will be the guy running a Firehawk or the M4 with M203 feel free to say hi. Thanks Mo
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