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Everything posted by GearTech

  1. Depends what you mean by distressed. Do you mean worn metal or a dusty appearance too?
  2. Many thanks. Turned out nice that one.
  3. S&T Tavor Custom Helmet Number 5
  4. Must have been the later model they brought out. The wife has had this one a while. Think it was the first version which is limited
  5. And that will cut anything as long as it's something like a vector image?
  6. That's the fellow. Nice bit of kit but the version the wife has will only cut patterns from a cartridge or the website.
  7. Critacut. Not ideal as it's very limited when it comes to the kind of stencils I need. Cam cut my hex stencils and digital stencil.
  8. No, I tend to pack them with something to stop paint getting to the internals
  9. Some of the stencils I get cut and some I do at home on one of the wifes craft cutters.
  10. New FB page : GeartechcustompaintUK
  11. Cheers folks, always appreciate feedback. I spoke to Josh who makes the helmets a couple of days ago. I think he may have been away. I'll mention to him to check his inbox.
  12. Cracking job on the M4 Asimov
  13. I'll give him a nudge. Have you messaged him?
  14. If you join my FB page : geartechcustompaint and look through the albums he is tagged in on the ones with the helmets in. He usually makes them to order. If people want them painting he post direct to me when they are made.
  15. I'll openly admit I came to the forum after the clamp down on FB. I started out with the paint business just over 12 months ago and the sales side kind of happened unexpectedly. FB was a great selling platform and it was easy to keep up with what was happening in the UK airsoft community as all the pages were very active. With recent changes I was suddenly struggling for an outlet. I hadn't got a web site up and running as FB was keeping me busy enough. Sales had grown pretty rapidly with January being the best month I'd had so far. The paint side of things had taken on a life of its own with people recommending me as soon as someone mentioned they were looking for someone to spray something so it was plain sailing. Someone recommended the forum and having been a supplier to the WWII renenactment crowd some years ago I knew they could be a good place to make your self known if you were prepared to put in the time and keep an active appearence. I don't think it will be a bad thing if there is a sudden influx. You will always get the odd noob but that happens in any hobby. I know that forums can be bitchy when they aren't monitored carefully by the admins and I think that is why FB became so popular. I would like to work with those who run the site as it could be a good platform. My name is getting out there but its not one that everyone thinks of at the moment when they are looking for new kit. Forums aren't for everyone and there are enough retailers out there who are big enough that they don't need to plug themselves at every given opportunity. Guess we will see what happens.
  16. Superb work so far, can't wait to see it finished.
  17. Still very rough around the edges. Working on it as we speak but have another being built for me. http://www.geartechcustompaint.com/support-guns.html
  18. I am part of the Airshooters team but a business in my own right. I use their techs and I do paint jobs for them.
  19. They are made by a lad on FB by the name of Josh Perry. If you join my FB page: geartechcustompaint and find the album with them in you will see he is tagged in. He usually sends them direct to me if the customer asks for a paint job.
  20. I'll have a word. We do try to bring the best deals we can and are usually cheaper than anyone else in the UK. Not much wiggle room on pistols sometimes and the odd assault rifle we get caught out on. Won't find better deals on support guns.
  21. Some pics of products we might expect to see in 2016. Taken at IWA over in Germany.
  22. No intention of taking over and I've been told there were traders before that took the p**s a little. The web site is still under construction, I have one live but its a little raw. Got a young gentleman building a proper one. It would be a shame if small businesses like myself couldn't interact more with the community. Was working really well on FB until the latest changes. Went from a complete unknown on there to having great feedback, was hoping to do the same on the forums and this one came recommended from someone.
  23. Just for the record I did ask 3 mods if it was ok for me to post sales adds before I did.
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