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    G&G CM 18 Mod 1
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  1. I know the feels i went to my first game solo, just bring cash for any extra bb's, food ect and be friendly. once your teamed up you will soon start chatting to people in your group and tag along with them . Main thing is just have fun
  2. I think he meant if you hit your noggin
  3. this might help http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/topic/103077-the-definitive-answer-of-are-these-gogglesglasses-safe/
  4. If your strapped for cash I ran these for a while before I got my x1000's https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003UGDQ66/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_1ElZwb7FZ2HHG
  5. Fast Helmets. whats your opinion? trying to deiced whether to run one or not Cheers, Stretch
  6. Link was really helpful, cheers man
  7. Thanks for the advice as always and i will try and stay away from the drama I think as with anything, its open to interpretation, don't be a dick and take ownership haha
  8. From what I can gather as long as it's for the purpose of airsoft skirmish it is aloud to be modifyed to become a RIF
  9. That mean i can? Yeah played a couple of games and got a load more coming up.
  10. Ended up running it with a thick tshirt with ubacs on top, cold in the briefing but fine once going. Jacket has arrived now so all set
  11. Hello all sorry if this has been asked before feel free to link it or if I'm being completely stupid. I have a two tone Cm18 and want to spray it black but don't know if I can till I complete my UKARA defence? Thanks, Stretch
  12. Got a lot of my kit from mitlitary1st and they were great and quick
  13. Lazy but one of the reasons I'm starting again, I have lots of insulation though
  14. I might not have a choice now as my jacket has been delayed in post office :/ worst comes to worst I have a black hoody
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