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  1. Beginners Guide - http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/3779-the-beginners-guide-to-airsoft/ Find a Site near you - http://www.airsoftmap.net/
  2. Because I work every sunday it's hard for me to get to games and I can't find anywhere that doesnt run sunday games other than The Gaol, which is gas and spring only but I want an AEG as my first gun.
  3. Do you run any attachments? The feild and days that im going to be aminly attending is cqb and the last time I went ( Which was also my first) I didn't take a flash light, it was pitch black, I relied on teamates flash lights haha. Any recomendations for flashlights?
  4. Don't think your beating £35 inc P&P, plus it's a nbb 2so efficiency is great.
  5. Am I converting this right, thats like £25, like half the price of Patrol Base haha.
  6. Thanks for all the info, is there any reference as to the look you want, I know some people find an image of what they liked and built that as best they can, have you done the same? and do you currently have anything purchased?
  7. Not looking for an exact setup, something similar, I like grey ^^
  8. Military 1st looks like a winner, really like the shadow grey, lots of variety too.
  9. Thats awesome, thanks dude
  10. So I saw a recent staus update from @Hibernatorin which he posted this article, I though it looked pretty cool and wondered if anyone ran anything like it and where they got it from, as it's going to be harder to find than surplus stuff.
  11. like 200-300 including the needed beginner stuff, could proberly streach to more as i can buy some of the stuff without a ukara defence and then just purchase the gun after the three games
  12. Thanks for the advice, any adivce on a first gun? Primarilay going to be cqb spring and gas at the gaol as most places seem to run skirmishes on a sunday which is the one single day I cant attend. I was thinking a glock of some kind but have been adivced against it haha.
  13. Not planning on it anymore, just wanted to know what people run as its cqb and spring/gas only, looking for ideas so I can start shopping around, when I go and hire from there before I get my UKARA I will only be renting which is just pistols so I can't really get a feel for anything more than that.
  14. What sort of guns do you and others run? Is it primarily pistols or varied?
  15. I thinking of making this Wednesday my first game and just was curious about how many people they average on a weekday game.
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