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Everything posted by i3666

  1. I am the same as you mate. I am HOPEFULLY getting my i4's today and playing on Thursday at a CQB, so I will report back on my findings. Like I said, Just Paintball are a good, honest retailer and I have seen them at Paintball a event and they are sound
  2. **** Just a word of warning people, a mate of mine whos into paintball has seen fake i4's and the way you can tell is there are no Dye logos on them. They did a test on them and they break real easily! ***
  3. To the best of my knowledge, they all come with thermal lenses but the color maybe different. I would recommend Just Paintball as they are UK based and free delivery. You can also ring them to check on the lens query too.
  4. Or this item would be good.... http://www.justpaintball.co.uk/pads-armour/paintball-body-chest-armour/valken-reversible-chest-protector.html
  5. I got the below item from an army surplus shop and cut up a camping sleeping mat, and stuffed it into the sections of the jacket to make my own flack jacket, she will not feel a thing through that! Cheap option too! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRITISH-ARMY-DESERT-CAMO-BODY-ARMOUR-FLAK-VEST-PAINTBALL-AIRSOFT-USED-CONDITION-/390858024346?var=&hash=item5b00f4259a:m:mD90mL_bMkYwjhJz9sPnxyQ
  6. Okay, cheers for the advice. Are there any lasers you recommend that you can adjust? How do they fair for indoor daylight CQB?
  7. I play at Strikeforce Gloucester, indoor day/night CQB basically. I want a foregrip that is agile but with led/flash light built in. Would this be suitable (see below)? http://www.amazon.co.uk/TAC-Vector-Optics-Vertical-Flashlight/dp/B00UYN4SWO/ref=sr_1_fkmr2_3?s=sports&ie=UTF8&qid=1447103030&sr=1-3-fkmr2&keywords=LASER+LIGHT+COMBO+AIRSOFT
  8. What are peoples thoughts on a all-in-one foregrip with led and flash light (see link below for example)? I play night CQB and want a torch. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tactical-Vertical-Foregrip-w-LED-Flashlight-Red-Laser-Sight-20mm-Rail-Mount-/161636230978
  9. Are there any laser/torch combos with pressure pad you recommend for a PDW? I want to be able to toggle on/off both the laser and torch. I do NOT want the laser permanently on, I just want to 'flick it on' as I need, and have the option to have it on for a short while if required too.
  10. Something like this maybe? http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/element-t1-airsoft-red-dot-sight-w-qd-high-mount-set-black.html#.VkDj37-O6CQ
  11. Lasers are also another sticking point for me; there are pro's and con's to them as they are easy for spotting targets quick, but give away your position. Can you quickly toggle on/off a laser? If so, it might be handy.
  12. Thanks all, this is helpful. I am planning on wearing paintball goggles (Dye i4's), would it be worthwhile looking into a high raised sight?
  13. What attachments do people use for CQB (lasers, lights, sights or just iron sights)? I mainly play CQB and will be getting a Knight's armament PDW very soon, but not sure what attachments to get, so please discuss potential options. As always, I know it is down to preference but advice is welcome on what others use.
  14. Brilliant, thanks again. I am going to try the Balaclava and i4 combo for CQB and I will report back on my findings too....
  15. Ahh, I did think it was strange that nothing came up! I would of thought someone had previously discussed this too. Any links on the mater welcome
  16. I did try searching for Dye and i4 prior to posting but nothing came up, which really surpised me. Thanks for the constructive comments too, that helps
  17. Who uses Dye's i4 paintball mask for airsoft? I keep hearing good things about them, espically with regards to them not fogging. It would also appear that aiming down iron sights is a tad challenging but a raised red dot 'seems' to be fine, is this correct? All in all, they seem like one of the best eye/face protection solutions for airsoft but I want to hear what others think, cheers. Thanks UPDATE 17/11/15: So, I have have now been using Dye i4's for CQB since my original post and to put it simply, I find them brilliant. I run around a lot (I mean a lot) and whilst wearing a full woolen balaclava they still do not fog up at all. I have used them in both night and day games with the supplied clear thermal lenses & found them to be fog free, comfortable, lightwieght and protect all my face. The ear protection is good too. Even close up face shots have not hurt. All the components on the mask are replacable too. Just be careful NOT to put any liquid on the inside of the thermal lense of course, and only wipe with a dry microfibre cloth. My only negative comment is that aiming down iron sights is a bit of challenge due to the mask covering the cheek, but a raised sight is fine. I don't tend to precisely aim with irons anyhow in quick paced CQB, so that is no big issue. Out of all the eye pro I have tried, these are the ones I will stick with. Would I recommend others getting Dye i4's, hell yeah!
  18. That is brilliant, thanks mate. I will pass on buying the goggles as someone else is offering me some locally but I wanted to get some feedback on them first! Ta
  19. Firsty, I have tried to find an answer before posting this thread but couldn't so here goes... Has anyone used these goggles for airsoft and did they fog (steam) up? I am thinking of getting these goggles to work in conjunction with a lower face mesh mask, but concerned about fogging. They APPEAR to be anti-fog according to other sources online but I am not convinced... Any other comments on the goggles are welcome Thanks in advance.
  20. What are people's thoughts on this gun? It will mainly be used for CQC and occasional woodland use.
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