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    Owner of Combat Airsoft Group
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  1. Not at all, If guys need help or want help with anything we are approachable guys.
  2. Hey guys I am Smudge from Combat Airsoft group, we are new to the milsim community however wanting to bring something new. Combat Airsoft Group is made up of still serving & veterans of HM Armed forces. Most of our staff have also work private in hostile environments such as Iraq & Afghanistan. We offer Milsim events & training for individuals and teams wanting to add a sense of realism into their games. Feel free to ask me any questions on equipment, tactics and for those of you who are looking to serve in the military, questions on joining. Cheers for adding me guys, all the best.
  3. Planning underway for Operation Overwatch. A plain clothed surveillance operation based in the North of England. Stay posted on our facebook page and website for more.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      If passive covert surveillance, then could be in for a dull time. If based on Special Recce then hard stops will be more interesting.

    3. proffrink


      Looking forward to sh*tting in bits of cling film and posting the images on Snapchat.

    4. Combat_Airsoft_Group


      Im not after blokes stalking an ex, and like you guys i hate sh*tting in bags so non of that, I am way over that now. Its basically the best bits of surveillance with some DA tasking's and hard stops thrown in. Cant go into it to much but its looking like a good event.

  4. "Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone"

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      Life begins when you stop taking airsoft so seriously and get a girlfriend.

  5. www.combatairsoftgroup.com

  6. Combat Airsoft Group is a veteran run business designed to produce high level tactical training & hyper realistic combat simulated events for our clients. For more information on up coming events please follow us on facebook or check out our website at www.combatairsoftgroup.com Cheers Guys
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