I've only just began getting into airsoft, I normally spend money/time on Obstacle course events/fitness etc, my 15yr old son did a day airsofting for a mates birthday and told me how much he loved it, and seeing a good chance to drag him away from the xbox I thought I would join him, I did think i would be it would be full of people that were shouting at each other because they didn't cover/or are in the wrong place etc ....I'm only out to have a laugh with my lad so I'm not interested in the competitive side of things, just like when I do an obstacle course, I just want to have a laugh and get outside, ..so airsoft seems good all round.....I know nothing about guns/equipment etc but I'm sure I'll pick that up from chatting to people.
If it means me and my lad getting out into the fresh air....its a big yes from me