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  1. Just to finish this thread off. I escalated it into a claim and paypal came to a decision in less than a day: if I post the gun back with tracking they'll give a full refund, but i have to take all of the costs related to the postage so in the end I lost about £14 and a lot of time (posted the gun today). Thanks for all the help guys, and ill be a lot more thorough when i next buy something.
  2. Some solid advice there gingerbreadman and sitting duck. This was the reply i received: "I only respond to the dispute as my money has been taken out of the account which is no good. I did not respond on the forums due to not having time as I have told you. I did not manage to read the messages? If anything the battery may have shorted the gearbox or something along the diagnostic path. One defence is from a boy I let borrow it one game day saying it was working fine however when the battery ran out began to misfire. Other from my friend who was shooting it in the garden 'target practicing' both full saying it had been working. If you wish to buy another fuse or send to myself for repairs I will repair for free." ​To put it into context, I asked him why he never replied to me on the forum; i sent him three messages between the 26th and the 29th of August and according to the site, he viewed each message (although he says otherwise) which obviously got me worried that he was a scammer, so I started a dispute in paypal on the 2nd and he replied straight away which seemed off to me as he only cared about the deal when his money was in danger. Obviously now he has two 'witnesses' and has given me a more friendly option; if i post the gun to him, he'll repair it. For me there are two problems with this, firstly it being that i don't trust him: i couldn't trust him to tell me that he wasn't going to send a battery with the gun, and I couldn't trust him with his explanation of the problem (that being that the battery shorted the motor, which everyone has now debunked) despite him being a self-proclaimed 'tech'. Because of this I don't really want to post him the gun because if he holds on to it and waits for the dispute to expire, I'm screwed. Likewise I don't really trust his defences (how hard is it to ask a mate to lie for you and say that a gun works) or him saying that he never viewed the messages, simply because he doesn't seem like a trustworthy or reliable person. The other problem is that I don't want to have to pay (postage or parts) to fix a problem that shouldn't exist and that I didn't cause. He's still adamant that I caused the gun to break which pisses me off slightly because I'm pretty sure I didn't. Also just an fyi, he said he posted the gun on the 29th of July, but the package was damaged (this is when the battery broke) and the gun arrived on the 26th of August. He never gave me the tracking details so I don't know much about it, but it seems like a suspiciously long time not to tell me about the battery, and it also means that his witnesses/defences refer to the gun quite a while before it was actually posted to me (the postage that resulted in me actually getting the gun). Thanks for all of the responses so far and any more comments are appreciated, I am thinking about making the dispute into a claim so paypal decides what happens, but I certainly don't want to rush into anything. Thanks guys. And any thoughts on who paypal would side with?
  3. The problem is if he isn't a scammer and the gun was sent off in working condition, it should be very easy to fix the gun and I would probably be able to open it up and sort it out, but if the problem is big or beyond my skill level, he'll just claim that I broke the gun when I opened it up, exactly like what he's done with the battery, and I'll be left with a broken gun. 😓
  4. Unfortunately the guy I got the gun off (Pro_Italian) seems fairly credible; he has a feedback thread and has been reasonably active so I'm really in the blue. He's obviously adamant that I broke his fully functioning gun and I'm pretty damn sure he just sent me a broken gun, especially because he never sent the battery with it and 'forgot' to tell me that he was going to send a new battery, even though i repeatedly messaged him and he refused to answer - perhaps to stop me finding out that the gun didn't work? http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/24488-pro-italian/ (feedback thread) "What can I say, after buying a gun from a scammer and unable to get my money back this guy has been more than a hand to help me to get it back working, not only giving me advice but also buying me parts to which I would have no know other wise, amazing guy massive help, and genuinely great guy!" http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17490-qlimax/page-2 But that post sounds uncannily like monty's post in the scammer thread...
  5. Hey guys wondering if you can help me. I bought a d-boys scar from someone and they forgot to post the battery with it, so when it arrived I connected my 9.6V Nimh battery to it to check that it worked (other posts on the internet suggest its fine with modifying the internals/connection) but it didn't fire. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G4uzCIYuMbY (Link to how to use a 9.6V) This is the message the seller sent me: 'The battery that was to be sent to you expanded (broken) and did not send. I was going to send you another new battery however forgot to mention. You have since attached another battery and possibly shorted the motor. This has been your fault and have broken yourself. Not mine. As stated again I have many others as defence saying it was working. I have sent a working gun and you have broken.' Is he right and have I just messed the gun up? Thanks guys.
  6. Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it. I was really just wondering if there's anything I should do before using the gun properly but like BigBlackGlock said, there's no point trying to fix it if it isn't broken so I'll use it for a while until it's underperforming and then give it a good service and at that point I can start considering some of the changes that sitting duck said (thanks a lot for that, saved it in my notes). I've already got a gripod and I think I'll just buy a nice sling and some extra battery sets so I can start playing the 26-hour battles at my local site (anyone have any idea how many batteries that would need!?) Might just carry round some duct tape in case it's thundering down, and might be useful in a hostage/milsim situation Thanks again guys
  7. Put this in wrong topic, oops
  8. So I've recently bought the G&G GC16 MOD 0 30th Anniversary gun (that's a mouthful) and I've got some questions about it which hopefully can be answered (it's my first gun): 1) The battery compartment is in the lower hand guard at the front of the gun (don't have pics sorry) but like the standard CM16 line, it has slits in the side of the hand guard so should I be worried about the battery being damaged by rain? E.g. If playing in the rain, the water would probably get into the battery compartment so is this risky? And should I tape up the slits or something similar? 2) Was it a good buy? I know this is hugely debatable but I was hoping that I'd be able to use it for a few years because it's mostly metal (more durable?), has a high availability of replacement/upgrade parts and has pretty good stats 3) what possible upgrades are there? I'm planning to upgrade it gradually but other than an optics and a sling I'm not sure what else I could do. Right now it runs on a 9.4V battery, and I was looking at changing the inner barrel and adding a mock suppressor but it seems uncertain whether each of them have an effect or not. Site limit is 350fps and I don't want to make it into a DMR, so should I ignore the barrel and suppressor? And are there any other upgrades I could do that would be worth the cost? (Without going over FPS limit). Thanks in advance
  9. Does anyone know if there's an up-to-date list of good and bad bb brands? (On mobile, can't do red text sorry)
  10. I'll probably end up getting a stripped down paintball mask then, something like the JT Proflex with just the frame and the dual-pane/thermal lens which shouldn't be too hard to come across on a paintball forum. Has anyone got any warnings before i do this? And thanks for the replies guys
  11. Yeah i probably shouldn't have linked those, i just meant the design of the goggles not the actual product because like you both said, wearing them would be an extremely bad idea at best (right now I'm too lazy to find a legitimate pair). And thanks for the help, ill look at both of the goggles you mentioned. I don't mind wearing glasses a huge amount but i just wouldn't want them falling off my face and would feel better having complete eye coverage, because i don't really want to trade my eye safety for non-foggyness but saying that, lots of people wear glasses and seem to be fine.
  12. I'm sure this must have been asked lots of times before but i can't find any threads about (could be looking in the wrong place, a link to a similar thread would be appreciated) but is fogging an issue with fully sealed goggles? I'm planning to wear fully sealed goggles like these: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/protective-glasses-masks/wide-view-tactical-goggle-x-eye-olive-hakkotsu?from=listing&campaign-id=19 with a lower face mesh mask to start with. But i was wondering if the goggles fogging would be an issue: would it be better for me to go for a higher end dual-pane/thermal set, or would i be fine to use ones liked those linked? Any help appreciated
  13. Also, can a CM16 be made into a decent DMR? Or is that too much of a stretch?
  14. Would you recommend a different gun if i had a higher budget? I have £200 willing to spend right now but i'll take that up to about £350 next month. Thanks for all of the help guys
  15. Yeah I'm deciding between the CM16 Raider-L and the CM16 mod 0 now, they both have ups and downs on each other. And i'm planning to get as much as possible preowned (from the classifieds) so hopefully that will lower the cost a little, probably should have said that at the start (sorry)
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