Long story short, I've been meaning to buy a gun for around 8 years, and 6 months ago i finally did. got some awesome savings ordering from US on Labor Day!
the gun is stupidly cheap compared to guns in the UK, but i was told that's due to competition with other companies, and actual real firearms..
anyway, the parts all seemed sound, and first time using the gun worked a treat. Next weekend however was a different story, test fired it in the basement and all was fine, 10 minutes later we went to head out, i pulled the trigger and nothing happened..
This is my first gun, I didn't expect it to be perfect but with the good looking specs I didn't expect it to be so problematic so quickly.
basically, I'm at sea just now, I get home in 2 weeks and my friends family will all be back for their easter skirmishes. I dont have time to come home, find the gun's fault and THEN order parts, not to mention i know very little about what I'm even doing..
here is the link to the gun, http://www.evike.com/products/45648/
going by the the spec is, and the 'ready to upgrade' gearbox, could anybody advise me of another other parts to swap, brands that will be better or worse, whatever is compatible with each other.
I have no idea where to start, I don't even remember the specs looking that good -or they do to a novice like me anyway-, so I'm hoping some of the more experienced guys out there could be a help!