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Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM Hi-Capa 5.1
    Umarex Smith and wesson 586 x2
    Hatsan Mod55s
  • Sites
    IPAS events
    own shooting land
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Shooting, Beer, Motorcycles and Porn

Nitrogary0's Achievements

  1. He's just been to me, disguised as a UPS driver. He has bought me a A&K M249 Para
  2. I didnt realise I must already be a member
  3. Hi, I'm new to the forum. I'm Gary or as I am more commonly known, NitroGary. I am a bit of a airsoft addict and I appear to be addicted to airsoft stuff. I am usually only really into my WW2 stuff, but recently have craved slightly more modern stuff, all the way upto the Vietnam stuff. even more recently I have been getting into more modern stuff (gunwise)
  4. HI Jed, another "Cobbler". Where to you "Airsoft"? Just curious because I'm looking for somewhere to go and have a good mooch around
  5. Hi everyone I am new to this part of our hobby. I have mostly been shooting air rifles for the last few years but been involved with air guns since I was old enough to hold a gun. So thats a long long time. For the past few months have been seriously involved with "Iron Plate Action Shooting" using a Umarex Smith and Wesson 586. Took part in my first IPAS event on the 23rd November and it was while at that event got caught by the 6mm BB stuff from the "Practical Pistol" group who shoot IPAS aswell. I have purchased a TM Hi-Capa 5.1 for "Practical Pistol" events, and whilst researching that particular type of pistol I have "stumbled" upon "Airsoft" in general. Whilst I am not as agile as I used to be, when I was young, I am quite enthused with airsoft in general. Always been around guns so am enamoured by the RIF replica stuff available. I was not expecting these "replica" guns to be usable as they appeared to be no more than "toy guns" however after extensive research they are more than they, initially, seemed. So, in short I am a convert, and am getting myself sucked into this new world (for me). I "run" a small group of shooters who are equally enthused and we are in the proccess of adapting the land I have access to accomodate our new found "hobby", I am currently trying to get our land to encompass another type of shooting. Anyway thats kinda my introduction to you all. So Hi from a shooter with a new interest
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