TLDR: Is NAF the only airsoft non milsim "big game" or are there others that I'm missing?
Going back 15 years I used to play paintball and a little airsoft. In paintball there were loads of scenario and big game weekends whereas airsoft had all the milsim games.
The paintball weekends were silly and over the top affairs, get there on a Friday afternoon/evening, meet up with friends and have a "few" drinks, wake up on the Saturday, play a few on the spot games, wander round a traders market, some organised non-paintball events that could impact the next day, a huge players party which may, or may not, involve more drinking, and then a massive all day game on the Sunday with multiple missions, objectives and timed events. These would regularly attract upwards of 400 players with the biggest game of the year bringing 1500 players together.
Milsim games in airsoft were much more somber affairs with less players and more about creating as real a situation as possible (as to be expected with something called a military simulation).
I enjoyed both but always found the paintball weekends more fun and relaxing. I'd also come away from the paintball weekends aching more than a milsim because I'd be doing a lit more running here there and everywhere else.
They were chaotic madness and I lived them. So my big question is are there any airsoft games like that now? I know about NAF and will be attending this year but what about others? There must be some smaller ones. If not why not? Is it just not financially viable (which is how it went for paintball), lack of interest or something else?