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[VIDEO REVIEW 1080p HD] G&G M14 (Shooting Test+Disassembly)

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How is this spam? Sure reviews were originally intended to be text based, but video is just as useful. I would prefer if all commercial youtubers were not allowed post anywhere on the forum, but if they can. They might as well do it constructively.

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How is this spam? Sure reviews were originally intended to be text based, but video is just as useful. I would prefer if all commercial youtubers were not allowed post anywhere on the forum, but if they can. They might as well do it constructively.

Honestly, it may well not be. But I think he's a leech - he is just trying to get traffic to his channel without the intention to ever contribute anything to the forums. If he starts helping out every now and again in threads that are not his own then I well change my opinion and not cringe every time I see the name.



Plus I love that sketch :)

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