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  • Open Team or Site  ·  3 members

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  • Open Team or Site  ·  4 members

    Alpha Group Airsoft Team based in Berks, UK - Play at sites all across the South of England - UKSF Inspired!

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    Hi , we are a semi-pro Team from Niedersachsen in Germany, Holding 3 Events every month.
  • Read Only Team or Site  ·  1 member

    All welcome please contact me :)

  • Read Only Team or Site  ·  1 member

    London based airsoft team.

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    Reenactment and airsoft group based in Barnsley

  • Open Team or Site  ·  2 members

    The London Ghosts are a team of 17 based in london and the south well known

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    Currently consisting of only one Immortal, the Immortals is a new airsoft group based in High Wycombe. The leader, Wings, will be developing a discord server for you to join if you are interested. The goal of the Immortals is to develop key teamwork and coordination skills that are required to function well in most airsoft situations. Gear and other information will be available on the discord server. For now, you may email Wings at '[email protected]'.

  • Open Team or Site  ·  7 members

    We’re a small social based group in London from all backgrounds and experiences. We take part in military styled activities such as Airsoft, Camping, Map Reading and much more. We are looking to become more active in Airsoft and looking for new members to join us and help us get more established.

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    We are a combat simulation and re-enactment team modelled on the British forces and adapting the training to meet with the specifics of Airsoft. However, we don’t just run around shooting; we train, drill and learn together to improve our combined abilities both individually and as a team. All our members work through a 5 Phase training program ranging from basic and specialist airsoft military style training along with subjects for personal development such as first aid, public speaking, and schools work. We are not all discipline and combat though. Our core values of Honour, Friendship and Sacrifice apply not only to the way we play, but also to the community we are as a team. We are a family who support and help each other through difficulties and encourage and facilitate personal development in all our Membership. While we play hard we also socialise well together. We are a travelling Team within the UK with desires to travel to other countries to play this amazing sport together, but despite this we are mostly from the South West of England. We offer various unique points that stand us out from many other Teams. If you are interested to know more then pleased don't hesitate to contact me and it will be a pleasure to answer any questions you have.
  • Open Team or Site  ·  1 member

    The Tir Chonaill Raiders Airsoft Team, Was Set up in May 2017, by three Ex Army Mates who have been playing Airsoft for over 6 Years, Our Members are Based Mainly in Co. Donegal with Other's based in Northern ireland & Co.Dublin and other places Around Ireland, to this end we are Composed of two Divisions North & South, North Division Based in Co.Donegal --- North Div covers Airsoft Sites: Viper Airsoft, and Sites in Northern Ireland. South Division Based in Co.Dublin --- South Div Covers Airsoft Sites in the Dublin Area including Special Ops in Wicklow. The Team has played in other sites across the Country Both ROI/NI Our Team Colours: Pencott Greenzone We Accept Membership to the team if you a Newbie or an Experienced Player all are Welcome.

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    AEGIS e.V. http://www.Aegis-eV.de AEGIS is now in their 9th year and a registered association in Germany The association currently consists of around 25 members. You can read everything else on our homepage. www.Aegis-eV.de https://www.facebook.com/Aegisev/ https://www.instagram.com/aegis_ev_official/
  • Open Team or Site  ·  1 member

    A relatively New Airsoft group, We are looking for people who would like to be part of a Uniformed teamwork based unit, whether you're a new or an experienced player. For more information our Team website is: https://www.bfl-airsoft.co.uk/
  • Read Only Team or Site  ·  1 member

    We are a team that is looking to start a full league. So if you are a team and would like to have a friendly match with us. Please let us know :)

  • Open Team or Site  ·  3 members

    This team or site hasn't provided a description.

  • Open Team or Site  ·  1 member

    We are derived from our Arma 3 Milsim Unit, a new Team simulating Marine Special Operations Team 8110 a fictional MSOT based on our Arma 3 Unit https://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.com/

  • Public Team or Site

    Heavy Hitters is a New Team looking for likeminded individuals for regular Social and Airsoft Games. Based in Hertfordshire, No requirements just Fun Times!
  • Open Team or Site  ·  2 members

    Team of 12 lads currently active since the 18th August 2021. Started with two now 12 strong. Mostly playing out of Battle-stations Snetterton. Mango_Bravo1 Pollynator_Bravo2 Gentljay_Bravo3 TheCat_Bravo4 Liberty_Bravo5 Harper_Bravo6 Wacko_Bravo7 Covert_Bravo8 Moose_Bravo9 Ghost_Bravo10 Flash_Bravo11 Pitbull_Bravo12

  • Public Team or Site

    We aim to provide our players with some of the most immersive and unique airsoft Battlesim and Milsim events currently offered in the UK. Our events always take place across an entire weekend, offering much longer game play and usually involving multiple factions relevant to the storyline at play. This isn't a simple case of Green vs Tan...
  • Read Only Team or Site  ·  1 member

    We are a small team of ex-military to seasoned airsofters, we teach weapons training to Battle Drills to the Film/TV industry also airsoft teams that want that competitive edge. We also have a team of gamers that enjoy Mil-Sim/FPS gaming titles like Escape from Tarkov, Arma 3 and Squad etc. With Airsoft we are always up for a challenge and enjoy playing alongside or against other airsoft teams. We operate in small fire teams and believe working in such way enhances our game and enables us to work better together.

  • Read Only Team or Site  ·  2 members

    Based in the south of the UK, primarily made up of medical and security personnel (Police, Ambulance, Private Security).
  • Open Team or Site  ·  9 members

    So what are we ? we are a semi milsim team based in Dorset, South England with over 25 members and regularly attend Ground Zero in ringwood. We use inspiration from the roman 10th legion as a base for our team and are always looking for new members to join ! In order to be accepted you have to be 17+ and be able to attend at least once a month preferably twice. Please DM if you are intrested on discord: Campbell#0745

  • Open Team or Site  ·  1 member

    105th Neuro Tactical call sign CVNT are a bunch of misfits fitting into urban/woodland environments, getting objectives cleared and accomplished, and escorting our VIPs to safehouses and extraction. We are a unit currently comprised of 5 members with all roles covered nothing can stop us.
  • Read Only Team or Site  ·  1 member

    The Royal Huntsman is an Airsoft team based in Scotland, playing primarily at Section 8 and The Depot. Started as a group of friends back in 2018, the Team evolved into what it is today: one that values teamwork, coordination, and high effort on the field. We aspire to take to the field and, through close teamwork and tactical coordination, help carry our side to victory. Check out our website and social media for the latest updates. Now recruiting for 2024!

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