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TAG Innovaitons kit

TAG Innovaitons kit


  • Price £155
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Tag fist 2

Tag CO2 Gold Shell - The polymer section has been trimmed to fit most launchers, this doesnt affect the performance and still sends the rounds 100m +

Tag Pecker MK2 Shells x 9 (8 brand new and one used)

A bonus M203 Launcher - this only really fits MK18 rifles as Ive trimmed it down to look like the LMT Shortie. Comes with the basic MK18 fixtures but this will require a bit of 'projecting' to fit.

At the very least you have a hand held launcher to play with immediately. The package price for all this kit isnt affected by the M203, its essentially free.


This is a powerful launcher with a huge pop-blast on firing. Do not aim at your face or others at close range and always wear eyepro.

Full kit worth £200+

Shell fired 8 times.

The used pecker projectile has been launched 7 of these times. (The other launch was the first time i fired it, firing a pecker at a wall 10m away, the shell smashed into a million pieces. Live and learn...)


£155 Posted


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