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Nuprol Delta sopmod

Nuprol Delta sopmod


1 Offer
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Hi I have here a nuprol Delta sopmod which I have owned for about a year and a half and through that time I have changed a few things. As you can see in the photos it looks like a completely different rifle I have shortened the outer barrel from a 14.5" to a 10.5" inner barrel is a 6.03 tightbore that runs into the suppressor and a nuprol bocca series 2 mk18 rail it also has flip up iron sights, for grip and it will come with 3 mags and 2 VP RACING batterys, please note that this will NOT come with the holographic sight, sling and weapon light I still have the carry handle and rail to go on top.


Will accept offers nothing silly though thanks.


  • Make
  • Model
    Delta sopmod
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Suppressor, for grip, 3 mags, flip up iron sights and 2 VP RACING battery's

- United Kingdom

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